
What is a Headless Commerce Platform? The Go-To-Guide

Headless Commerce

Global eCommerce sales have exceeded $6.5 trillion in 2023 which shows the dramatic growth and significance of this industry. While the overall online sales continue to rise, the conventional forms of e-commerce platforms are gradually showcasing their weaknesses.

These systems are monolithic, which means that the frontend and backend are coupled, making it hard for organizations to overcome current requirements and adapt to the needs of today’s customers and clients.

In this regard, headless commerce is revealed to be revolutionary. This creative method can be used to integrate and provide tailored interactions with the context across channels and platforms, thus, headless commerce decouples the front-end and the back-end.

Headless commerce, which offers more flexibility and customization, is quickly becoming the new hot favorite for those organizations who wish to survive and thrive in the highly competitive and fast-evolving world of ecommerce.

Implementing Headless Commerce is crucial to ensure one steps up to meet the ever-higher standards set by the consumers. Through this article, you will get to know what is a headless commerce platform and why it’s revolutionizing the online shopping space.

Also, this comprehensive guide will help you understand concepts apart from What is a headless commerce platform like, how it works, explain the key concepts, explore some of the most important advantages, and consider real-life applications for your business.

Let’s discover how you can transform your e-business model and sustain your market position in a constantly shifting digital environment.

What is Headless Commerce Platform?

Headless commerce implies an approach to the e-commerce platform construction where the client-side and the server-side workings are detached. This separation allows developers to implement and design the front end without necessarily involving the back end and the two communicate through APIs.

The main advantage of this approach is flexibility. Enterprises can provide individualized and integrated ecommerce experiences across multiple channels like web and mobile sites as well as applications across the connected web, smart devices, and social media channels.

This remains the rationale for employing headless commerce, especially due to constantly shifting consumer expectations. This means that front-end and back-end architectures are no longer tightly coupled, whereas enabling fast business development, increasing website speed, and delivering unique experiences and services to users.

This flexibility is particularly important due to current consumer expectations of quick, real-time, and lively online experiences. Already we can see frictionless checkout in recent days mainly to enhance user experience. Now, you must have gussed the answer to your query, what is a headless commerce platform? It is an addition to factors enhancing user experience.

Traditional E-commerce to Headless Ecommerce

Traditional e-business architectures are based on monolithic architecture, where the front end of the application and the back end are integrated. Despite this, that integration makes initial configuration much easier but also comes with some considerable drawbacks.


This means modifying the front end often means having to modify the back end which creates some hindrance to development and innovation.

Scalability Issues:

It becomes expensive and difficult to scale a monolithic architecture as traffic increases over time.

Limited Customization:

It is even more difficult to design unique, customer-specific solutions as the front end as well as the back end are fully intertwined.

So What is a headless commerce platform? Unlike this approach, this platform breaks these layers into different components where each can develop on its own. This separation comes with exclusive benefits.

  • Front-end developers are free to use a variety of technologies and frameworks for building the front-end part of an application, while the back-end remains unchanged.
  • Able to develop enhancements or additional functions at a quicker pace and with less difficulty.
  • It is easy to scale certain parts up as the need arises while at the same time enhancing efficiency and costs.
Headless Commerce Platform

Source: https://images.ctfassets.net/

What is a Headless Commerce Platform?

In a headless architecture, all the structural commerce functions like inventory management, payment processing, and order delivery are implemented at the back end. The user-facing part of the product might be a web application, mobile application, or any other interface that communicates with the back-end through APIs. This architecture is often made up of

Content Management System (CMS):

This service manages its digital content apart from the commercial aspects of the website.

API Layer:

Serves as a bridge between customers and developers, allowing data to flow smoothly from one end to the other.

Frontend Framework:

The user interface can be developed with any technology stack of the developer’s choice (React, Angular, etc.).

The Role of APIs in a Headless Commerce Platform

As for the technical side of headless commerce platform, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) play a crucial role. Thus, one can interact with the other and work separately while remaining synchronized. APIs are involved in the following important roles

Data Retrieval:

In front-end applications, APIs are used to get data from back-end applications.


Third, APIs provide interoperability by interfacing with other applications including payment processors, shipping companies, and marketing platforms.


With APIs, companies can design an attractive storefront and provide highly customized experiences according to the customer’s needs while the core of the storefront remains the same.

With the help of APIs, headless commerce platform also provides a high level of flexibility and a truly responsive approach by enabling quick adjustments to the shift in the market or clients’ needs.

Components for headless commerce platform architecture

Source: https://www.ecommerceceo.com/

Benefits of Headless Commerce

The headless commerce platform also provide advantages such as increased flexibility, quicker update implementation, and better scalability. This makes it possible for business entities to develop multiple user experiences and facilitates internationalization. Here are some benefits which are as follows.

Improving the Flexibility and Knowledge of Developer

Headless commerce platform provides greater flexibility and customization as both the front-end and back-end do not have to be developed using the same solution and, hence can be developed with the best tools. This leads to more technology advancement and front-end development adaptability to trends while using familiar structures.

Quickness in the Implementation of a Software Update

Headless commerce platform increases the rate at which updates can occur since front and back-end modifications can be executed separately. This separation allows for new features and designs to be quickly added without burdening the majority of the system with tests, increasing flexibility.

Personalization and Individual User Prescriptions

However, by decoupling the frontend, headless commerce platform can create exceptional user experience opportunities. Businesses can develop different front-end interfaces that would be convenient for different segments of the customers and this will enhance their satisfaction.

Scalability and New Technologies

Headless commerce enables the front end and the back end to be developed and deployed separately, meaning that potential traffic can be better handled. It can also easily accommodate new technologies such as AR, VR, and AI without drastically disrupting the system and can offer better e-commerce personalization.

Overseas Brand Development

Headless commerce helps brands in global expansion because it enables the creation of frontends tailored for certain geographical locations. These aspects consist of support for multiple languages and multiple e-commerce payment gateways, which provide efficient market entry logistics.

Increasing Sales and Income

Headless commerce can drive more revenue by enhancing marketing capabilities as well as conversion percentages via customer experiences. This also reduces customer acquisition costs as marketing targets are refined and a higher ROI is achieved by efficient application of analytics and tools.

Develop an Ecommerce Platform using Headless Commerce

With the help of headless commerce platform, building an e-commerce platform equates to changing the way companies work on the Internet.

As a way of separating the content delivery layer and the transaction processing layer, the concept of headless commerce opens various opportunities, allowing businesses to build consistent, engaging, and context-aware shopping experiences across channels and touchpoints.

The Journey to Headless Commerce Platform

In the journey to headless commerce platform, there is a clear architecture that should be framed. Here are a few criteria that need to be taken into account while designing a headless commerce platform which are as follows.

Essential Criteria for Choosing Headless Commerce Solution

Flexibility and Scalability:
Ensure that the platform has the capability of growing to cater to increased traffic on the company’s site and transactions.

API-First Approach:
Because of this, there is a need to have a robust set of APIs for interoperation in front-end technologies and third parties.

To provide the best experience to the users and blend it with the business strategy of an organization, there must be a great deal of flexibility incorporated into the platform.

Thus, also for enhancing the users’ experience, look for those websites and applications that would have the best performance and short loading time.

To protect the users’ information and their transaction data, ensure the platform adheres to high levels of security measures that have been put in place.

Several factors which should be taken into consideration include, ongoing maintenance costs, software development cycles’ expenditure, and license fees.

Considerations for User Interfaces

One of the areas of headless commerce that influence the customer experience and interaction is the user interface (UI). Issues to consider are as follows

Flexibility in Design:
Some of the elements that should be considered include, choosing technologies that will give the site unique and more engaging interface designs.

Consistency Across Channels:
Consider how the use of a tablet differs from the use of the same on the web or from a mobile phone.

Performance Optimization:
Give particular focus on appearing items and sub-items along with their loading time and specific response to users’ actions.

While designing it is important to design to accommodate the disabled users.

User Testing:
Generally, to incorporate input and make the modifications in the UI accordingly, conduct user testing.

Customization and Integration Capabilities

So when it comes to what is a headless commerce platform and how to implement it? To implement headless commerce at its best, integration and customization both become mandatory. Key elements consist of

Microservices and APIs:
Integrate using APIs to access other services that are needed like inventory services, CRM services, and payment services.

Third-Party Solutions:
It is easy to integrate with other CS, marketing automation, and analytics platforms.

Options for customization:
Check that the platform allows for front-end and back-end functional customization across all the layers fully to meet specific company needs.

Developer Resources:
The level of integration and customization is likely to be significantly easier if a product is well-documented, and has SDKs and developer support.

Implementation Strategies

Some key strategies are listed below that can be implemented to enhance the effectiveness of the company and achieve the best results as a goal for the shareholders and other stakeholders.

Tactics for Modernizing without a Full Platform Switch

Moving from a monolithic setup to a headless commerce platform can be a gradual process to reduce the impact on an organization’s operations. Strategies include

Strangler Pattern:
Start with breaking some of the large modules of the monolithic system into microservices architecture, to develop continuously and avoid very high risks.

API Layer Addition:
Initially add an API layer that sits on top of the monolithic architecture to begin breaking the front end from the back end.

Hybrid Approach:
To make the transition to headless, run both a monolithic and headless system in parallel for a while and gradually move features to the headless commerce platform

Modular Front-End Development:
To start with in isolation from the front-end and design it from the contemporary framework such as React, and Angular while at the same time continuing to adopt to Monolithic back end.

Choosing When to Adopt a Headless Strategy

Thus, the decision about when the headless commerce transition is appropriate is based on several variables.

Business Growth and Scaling Needs:
If you are using one of the traditional platforms, and you find that it can no longer comfortably accommodate the traffic flow and growing volume of transactions, then it is high time you change.

Customization Requirements:
Situation in which your organization needs to deliver highly individualized and extraordinary client experiences beyond the capabilities of the monolithic system.

Technological Advancements:
Taking advantage of new technologies, as well as frameworks that are more effective, adaptable, and compatible.

Market Competition:
It could be argued that to remain competitive the e-commerce architecture needs to be more dynamic and adaptive.

Resource Availability:
You should have human resources in terms of appropriate developers and feed the project with sufficient financial capital to realize the change.

Based on the above factors, if you are cautious when selecting them, it is possible to arrive at a sound decision that enables you to transition to headless commerce platform at the right time.

Headless Commerce Use Cases

Consumers’ shift to online shopping has changed the way many companies approach their operations, specifically through headless commerce’s agility, flexibility, and ability to enhance customer satisfaction. Here are some of the real-life examples of the headless commerce implementation

1. Burrow

Burrow, an Australian-based furniture company that sells directly to consumers, implemented headless commerce to design an optimal customer journey. Burrow decided to differentiate their front-end interface from their actual backend systems through the process described above to create a more efficient and customer-centric website. This enabled them to incorporate innovative features such as the sofa configurator, which helped in the engagement of the customers, thus increasing demand.

2. The Good and the Beautiful

The headless commerce approach can help companies manage their growing catalogs, as seen with the educational resource provider The Good and the Beautiful. Thus, deciding on the headless architecture allowed them to connect different services, which complement the e-commerce platform, and offer users the same interface regardless of the device or channel. These changes proved to enhance the site’s usability and give their customers a smoother experience when shopping online.

3. Berlin Brands Group

Headless commerce platform, adopted by Berlin Brands Group, a worldwide e-commerce company, allowed it to meet the needs of the company with a versatile product offering and multiple brands. The headless approach allowed it to deploy and run many online stores within a short time and without much fuss with each store having a distinct design and features. These flexibilities enabled them to maintain a strong market position and respond to customer’s demands quickly and effectively.


TALLY WEiJL, a fashion retailer has implemented headless commerce platform to boost its offerings to clients. By implementing a clear divide between their site’s interface and functioning, they were allowed to enhance the site for shoppers, increase how well their website functions, and incorporate different marketing elements into the overall system.

5. Foodl

Foodl, an online food ordering and delivery company, leveraged headless commerce to enhance its website performance and flexibility. The headless architecture to them was necessary to split the third-party delivery or payment services making it easier for the clients to use the application. As a consequence, this implementation led to higher customer satisfaction and received orders.

These customer stories have demonstrated how headless commerce has been adopted across different industry verticals to achieve better ecommerce functionality, increased agility, and satisfactory services for the end consumers.

From these cases, it is apparent that by adopting the headless strategy, such companies have been able to maintain their competitiveness and respond to new requirements of the digital economy.

Future of Headless Commerce

Headless commerce is on course to become a prominent industry in the future of retail. With the increasing importance of personal data, customer expectations regarding brands and products will change, and companies need to provide consistent and pleasant experiences across various touchpoints.

Headless commerce is capable of meeting such demands due to the flexibility and scalability it presents in the market, making it preferable among retailers in the current market.

As the front end is separated from the backend, businesses are more agile and free to bring out new features, integrate new technologies, and develop new customer experiences that make them stand out from the competition.

The Continued Evolution of E-Commerce Platforms

The headless commerce domain can be seen as a constantly shifting landscape with numerous changes being driven by new technology and customer preferences. Looking into the future of e-commerce platforms’ further evolution, the following developments can be expected.

Increased Adoption of Microservices:

In a similar vein, there will be greater adoption of a microservices architectural approach that divides complex systems into individually orchestrated components for increased flexibility and efficiency.

Enhanced Integration Capabilities:

Subsequent platforms for e-commerce will have much more comprehensive APIs and integration capabilities that give companies a seamless way to interface with numerous third-sector solutions and applications.

Greater Focus on Personalization:

As AI and machine learning advance, the architecture of headless commerce platforms will provide for enhanced, unique, and differential experiences in content and products to peculiar customers’ behavior and needs.

Omnichannel Experiences:

The consumer’s expectation to have an integrated and smooth experience from browsing, through their mobile devices, in-store, and social media channels will therefore emerge as the norm, and force organizations to fully embrace headless commerce options.

Balancing Traditional Commerce and Bringing in Innovation

Headless commerce may be a major move from the traditional ecommerce platforms but organizations need to balance the need for innovation with their core business functions. This involves,

Gradual Transition: Instead of a radical restructuring, businesses can implement a gradual change process where specific aspects of an organization are moved to the headless approach while existing systems remain in service. This reduces disturbances and makes it easier to incorporate a solution into the software.

Evaluating Business Needs:

It is pertinent to mention here that not all ecommerce businesses may necessarily need the headless approach. There are specific considerations for business requirements and customer demands, as well as the technological feasibility that should be addressed when deciding on whether to implement headless commerce or not.

Leveraging Existing Investments:

Companies can carry on using the existing Front Ends and deploy headless where they are most beneficial, resulting in the best value from current investments.

Staying Agile:

As a consequence, the concept of headless commerce has to be viewed as an ongoing process and an ability to adopt new solutions and improve the organization of the business while maintaining the focus on the key values and benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Headless CMS the Same as Headless Commerce?

Well, to answer your question, No! headless content management system (CMS) and headless commerce are not the same. Headless CMS is all about content delivery, including articles, images, and videos, while headless commerce is aimed at aspects like product submission, shopping cart, and payment gateways. They can work together, and in some situations, one may be an extension of the other, but they each have a distinct main role.

Do all e-commerce stores require a headless solution?

Not necessarily. Headless commerce is suitable for merchants with complicated and specific requirements for customization and those aiming to provide more consistent UX across channels. Independent standalone systems may be sufficient for traditional websites that have simple e-commerce needs and are easier to maintain.

What Are the Main Differences Between BigCommerce Headless and Adobe Commerce (Magento) Headless?

BigCommerce Headless: Well-known for its easy-to-use interface, simplicity, and cloud-native SaaS nature that deals with issues such as web hosting, security, and software updates. Some of the key features include reliable APIs and compatibility with many platforms.

Adobe Commerce (Magento) Headless: Applies well to companies with specific and complicated demands and provides great levels of customization. It has an open-source version which means that it can be used free of cost and an enterprise version for business organizations who want more control and flexibility.

How Does the Concept of Headless Commerce Enhance the Customer Interface?

Headless commerce enhances the customer experience by

  • Enabling fully personalized and content-adaptive over multiple channels and touchpoints.
  • Optimizing load time of websites and improving the flow of interactions on the Internet.
  • Maintaining and creating a coherent experience on various platforms.
  • Providing capabilities to quickly and efficiently test and develop new ideas, features, and interfaces.

7. What are the possible challenges when applying headless commerce?

Some of the issues that have come up with the headless implementation include

Technical Complexity: Still, it is a relatively complex system that needs a lot of effort and skills in setting up and further constant maintenance.

Higher Initial Costs: A possibility of having a higher initial cost compared to usual trading platforms.

Integration Efforts: To integrate the front-end with the back-end systems most efficiently.

Resource Allocation: Enduring requirements of technical support to maintain and further develop this architecture.

Can Existing E-Commerce Platforms Be Converted to Headless?

Yes, it is possible to transform existing e-commerce infrastructures into headless by applying a step-by-step strategy. This may include progressive isolation of the front end from the back creating an interface layer, and step-by-step shifting of the features to the new structure. By doing so this approach reduces interferences and ensures that every switch is made efficiently.

Which Technologies are Best Suited to Headless Commerce?

Some of the typical technologies used with headless commerce include

  • Front-End Frameworks: React, Vue. js, Angular.
  • API Documentation Management: GraphQL, Restful API.
  • Content Management Systems (CMS): It is used in Contentful, Strapi, and Prismic.
  • Headless ECommerce Platforms: BigCommerce, Adobe Commerce (Magento), Shopify Plus.

How Do I Know if Headless Commerce Is Right for My Business?

To decide whether or not headless commerce is suitable for your business, you should pay attention to

  • Business Goals: Want a highly customizable and versatile front end?
  • Technical Resources: Are you able to provide or acquire the technical skills required to complete this project?
  • Customer Experience: Would you like to provide your customers with a unique and regular interaction across different touchpoints?
  • Scalability Needs: Have you expanded your business and need a solution that can support a larger number of users now?
  • Current Challenges: Do you have any concerns regarding the capabilities of your current monolithic e-commerce platform that can be solved by headless commerce?


In the current fast-growing e-commerce environments, integrating a headless commerce system yields flexibility, scalability, and optimized client experience for businesses. Appkodes, the leading ecommerce app development services has the desire to assist you in all the stages of this migration.

Ready to know more about headless commerce and its impact on e-commerce? Please feel free to contact us and we will arrange to see you for a free consultation. Our specialist is always available to guide you through the proper selection and integration of the best solution for your company. It is time to build the future of ecommerce, are you in?

Starting as an iOS developer and moving up to lead a mobile team at a startup, I've expanded my expertise into Project Management, DevOps and eventually becoming a COO in the IT sector. As a COO, I excel in team leadership, technical advice, and managing complex business functions, focusing on combining technology and operations to drive growth. I'm keen to connect for collaborations or to exchange insights in the tech world!



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