
IOT App Development Services

At AppKodes, we have extensive experience developing IoT applications for smart devices, enabling seamless data visualization for embedded systems. As a trusted mobile app development partner for IoT and embedded software companies, we possess the expertise to bring your IoT mobile app vision to life.

Recently Launched

We collaborated with an embedded systems company to develop a mobile application that utilizes their IoT sensors and devices to measure the thickness, length, and width of materials and objects within manufacturing environments.

App For Measuring Dimensions

We created a handy app for both iOS and Android devices that works with IoT devices to help big factories measure their products easily. It’s like a super-smart tape measure! It also gather data from all over the factory floor and keeps it safe in the cloud infrastructure, so everyone can access it.

MVP Software Development Services​

Partner with Us for Cutting-Edge IoT Application Development

Successful IoT application development requires deep expertise in sensors and actuators, the primary sources of data collection from multiple devices. Effectively gathering this diverse data and storing it securely in cloud platforms demands a skilled development partner. Our team possesses extensive experience in building robust internet of things applications across various industries.

Smart Sensors

AppKodes, your IoT expert, designs and builds secure communications between smart sensor solutions, ensuring seamless communication between sensors and the cloud. We are specialized in collecting and transmitting data securely, enabling real-time insights for various industries. Our expertise ensures optimal integration of sensors with scalable cloud infrastructure, empowering your business with data-driven decision-making and improved efficiency.


Developing an IoT application requires reliable connectivity with embedded software to ensure seamless data transfer, data security, and enhanced data storage with auto backup systems. Easy access control is provided through the right frontend development, including web, iOS, and Android apps. Integrating artificial intelligence into the IoT app development process advances the system by enabling AI to analyze data and automate tasks.

Data Handling

AppKodes, your expert in data handling solutions, specializes in secure data storage and management for projects smart cities with IoT devices. We efficiently gather and process massive amounts of data from various sources, ensuring its security and integrity throughout the entire lifecycle. Our solutions enable seamless integration of data from IoT devices into centralized repositories, empowering smart city initiatives with actionable insights.

Seamless IoT Applications Crafted by AppKodes

With over a decade of experience in the development industry, we have been at the forefront of IoT development and technology since its inception. Our team has worked extensively with diverse tech stack, hardware components, and IoT devices across various companies. 

Our IoT app developers possess in-depth knowledge of IoT devices, their integration with mobile applications, and seamless data transmission to cloud infrastructures using the appropriate communication protocols. As the IoT industry rapidly expands, we have incorporated IoT and machine learning technologies as integral components of our development services. Partner with us for your next project and leverage our expertise to unlock the full potential of IoT.

Understanding IoT Challenges

The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming industries, but also presents challenges. Businesses grapple with securing vast amounts of data generated by devices connected to IoT network, managing diverse device types, and ensuring compatibility. AppKodes understands these pain points. As an established IoT app development company, we addresses these challenges through robust security measures, scalable data management solutions, and expertise in integrating diverse devices seamlessly. We empower businesses to leverage the full potential of IoT, unlocking new opportunities for growth and efficiency while mitigating risks.

Proven IoT Experience

AppKodes boasts a proven track record in delivering successful IoT solutions across diverse industries. Our experience ranges from smart city implementations, where we’ve optimized traffic management and energy consumption, to industrial automation projects that have streamlined operations and reduced costs. We’ve helped clients leverage the power of IoT platforms to enhance operational efficiency, improve decision-making, and drive innovation. Our portfolio showcases a wide array of IoT projects, demonstrating our ability to adapt to unique challenges and deliver tangible results for our clients.

Customized Solutions

Our consultative approach to understanding client requirements for IoT applications begins with a comprehensive study of their software and hardware used in the existing infrastructure. Collaborating closely with our customers, we define the objective of the app and identify compatible mobile devices based on their infrastructure. We then analyze potential compatibility issues and find out common challenges in deveoping the IoT application before assembling a team of expert IoT developers to create a customized prototype solution.

Tech Stack and Expertise

Our IoT experts possess extensive knowledge of the common technology stack for iOS application development, including embedded software languages like Python, Java, and C++. We are well-versed in cloud infrastructures like AWS, Azure, GCP, and DigitalOcean.  Our experience with diverse projects has equipped us with in-depth knowledge of IoT protocols like MQTT and CoAP.  Furthermore, we understand the complexities of selecting the right connectivity method, whether it be Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or NFC, and are adept at upgrading applications based on device firmware updates to ensure seamless functionality and optimal performance.


Industry Specific Solutions

The IoT market has been rapidly expanding across industries since the rise of smart devices, with embedded software playing a crucial role. Integrating mobile apps with IoT networks enhances operational efficiency, reduces costs associated with device management, and streamlines operations.  Our expertise lies in selecting the right programming languages tailored to different industries, allowing us to bring revolutionary IoT application to life. We ensure that development costs, including IoT hardware, software, and mobile app development, remain within your budget for any industry.

The Transformative Benefits of  IoT App Development

The benefits of IoT applications extend across numerous industries. Most of these industries are interconnected through the internet and other connectivity mediums like Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. With advancements in web technologies, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and IoT development, a new space is being created for industries to automate processes for improvement.

At Appkodes, we assist industry leaders in finding the right path toward digital transformation. We guide each step with care, aiming for effective productivity, invaluable insights, reduced operating costs, and a significant advantage over the competition.

Enhanced Productivity

The development of IoT mobile applications has revolutionized the way businesses and consumers interact with IoT devices and applications. By enabling seamless monitoring, operation, and control of processes, these apps significantly reduce the need for human intervention, boosting efficiency and productivity. This adoption of IoT technology has made IoT app development a leading trend, as IoT solutions continue to enhance convenience and drive innovation across various sectors.

Data Driven Insights

IoT apps provide a continuous stream of valuable data for businesses. AppKodes ensures secure data transfer, collecting and gathering data from various IoT devices. We prioritize data security, ensuring that the data is stored and transmitted safely. Our expertise in data analytics enables us to build a frontend development which analyze data effectively, revealing valuable insights into customer behavior, operational efficiency, and emerging market trends.


Enhanced Operational Efficiency

In numerous areas where IoT is implemented, IoT apps connect and streamline operations. These apps enable devices to collect real-time data, which is then analyzed to optimize processes, ultimately lowering costs and improving efficiency. This automation and integration of IoT technology is transforming various areas of our lives, from industrial settings to everyday consumer experiences.

Connected Ecosystem

Our Internet of Things applications seamlessly connect devices across various operating systems, creating a unified ecosystem where data flows effortlessly. By enabling devices to collect and transmit data in real-time, our IoT apps facilitate communication and collaboration between devices, boosting efficiency and convenience. This interconnected ecosystem empowers businesses and consumers to unlock the full potential of their IoT devices, transforming the way they live and work.

Competitive Advantage

Early adoption of IoT app development can offer businesses a distinct competitive advantage. By embracing this technology, companies can overcome challenges in developing IoT applications and create innovative solutions that connect physical objects and streamline processes. With AppKodes’ expertise in building secure communication channels and seamless integration, businesses can harness the power of IoT to optimize operations, improve customer experiences, and stay ahead of the competition.

IoT Platform Experts Driving Innovation Across Diverse Industries

Launching your IoT app in any industry requires the right technical expertise. From seamless data management to an intuitive user experience, we have supported various industries, both startups and enterprises, with our unique approach to the IoT app development process.


In recent days, healthcare IoT apps have transformed patient care and hospital operations. AppKodes creates solutions for remote patient monitoring, using wearable devices to gather vital signs and send this data to healthcare providers. We empower smart hospitals with IoT apps that manage assets, optimize patient flow, and monitor environmental conditions, improving overall efficiency. Our medication management solutions, featuring IoT-enabled devices, track medication adherence and send reminders, enhancing patient compliance and well-being.


In agriculture, IoT applications are transforming farming practices. AppKodes develops precision farming solutions, using IoT sensors to monitor soil conditions, weather patterns, and crop health. This allows farmers to optimize irrigation, fertilization, and pest control. Our livestock monitoring solutions use IoT devices to track animal health, location, and behavior, enhancing animal welfare and farm productivity. We also create smart greenhouse solutions, employing IoT apps to control environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and lighting, ensuring optimal growing conditions for plants.


In manufacturing, IoT apps optimize operations and boost efficiency. AppKodes develops solutions for predictive maintenance, using sensors to monitor equipment health, preventing breakdowns and reducing downtime. Asset tracking app solutions utilize IoT to monitor the real-time location and status of assets, streamlining supply chain management, manpower and resource allocation. We also create quality control solutions with IoT-enabled cameras and sensors to ensure consistent product quality throughout the manufacturing process.


IoT applications are transforming the customer experience and boosting operational efficiency in Retail. We develops inventory management solutions using IoT sensors to track stocks and movement in real-time, preventing stockouts and streamlining supply chains. We create personalized shopping experiences with IoT, delivering targeted promotions and product recommendations to customers in-store. And, smart store solutions using IoT sensors to gather valuable data on customer behavior, enabling retailers to optimize store layouts and enhance the overall shopping journey.

Smart Homes

In smart homes, IoT applications create a connected and convenient living environment. AppKodes develops home automation solutions, empowering users to control lighting, temperature, security systems, and other connected devices through intuitive IoT apps. Our energy management solutions utilize smart thermostats and energy monitors, accessible via IoT apps, to optimize energy consumption and lower utility bills. Furthermore, we enhance home security with IoT-connected cameras, motion sensors, and smart locks, providing remote monitoring and peace of mind.


In transportation and logistics, IoT applications streamline operations and enhance efficiency. AppKodes develops fleet management solutions that track vehicle location, fuel consumption, and driver behavior in real-time, optimizing route planning and reducing costs. Our supply chain visibility solutions utilize IoT sensors to monitor the movement of goods throughout the supply chain, ensuring timely deliveries. We also create predictive maintenance solutions that leverage IoT sensors to monitor the health of vehicles and equipment, enabling proactive maintenance and minimizing unexpected breakdowns.

Build an IoT Application with Our Expertise and Transform Your Business

Your search for an IoT app development partner ends here. We have the expertise and experience to be your ideal partner for global IoT solutions. Let’s collaborate to revolutionize your infrastructure and drive innovation.


We have extensive experience working with Google Cloud IoT, Microsoft Azure IoT, AWS IoT, and IBM Watson IoT for various server-related IoT management systems. Technology has never been a barrier for our development team, and we are adept at adapting to any new environments.

End-to-End Solutions

In any industry looking to develop an IoT application, the initial challenges often begin with empowering the devices and firmware, among other things. We can assist by connecting you with the right companies for the hardware, and we’ll collaborate with them for app development.


Whether it’s technical support, customer support, or budget-friendly development solutions, we assure you that our team will be completely flexible in helping you achieve your goals. We will develop IoT applications tailored to your requirements and ensure they run smoothly.

Why Do You Need AppKodes For IoT Apps?

Tired of the prolonged development process? Let us together bid goodbye to sleepless waits and development nightmares. Engage with us like other leading enterprises to go beyond the ordinary.


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How We Work

Discussion & Analysis

Our initial discussion will focus on cloud infrastructure, scaling phases, closed beta invites, the first beta launch, and subsequent releases. This conversation is key to crafting robust interfaces that will pave the way for the bright future of your social media application.

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UI / UX design

The ideation process for the UI/UX design will give you a clear picture of how your social media application will interact with users. At this stage, you'll see the foundational structure of your app. Once we finalize this, we’ll proceed to the actual development phase.


The development of your social media application will unfold in individual sprints, with progress shared with you step by step to prevent any last-minute surprises. To proceed to the next stage, we require strong confirmation from you, ensuring a smooth development and delivery process.

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Quality Assurance

Beginning with unit testing, we'll conduct thorough quality assurance for each sprint release to ensure what we deliver is bug-free and without major issues. Our dedicated QA team follows a meticulous process, and all test cases and a final list of fixes will be readily available for your review at any time.

Delivery & Maintenance

Following the closed beta releases, We as a team will manage the entire deployment process, including server configuration and app submission, among other tasks. During the initial delivery phase, we will closely monitor the application's performance to ensure a stable and seamless user experience.

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Discuss Your Project Idea With Us

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You will hear from us within 24 hours!

Let’s Talk

Feel free to share your ideas; we value innovation. An NDA can be signed prior to discussions for your convenience.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What industries can benefit from IoT applications?

There is no industry where IoT cannot be applied. IoT solutions can be adopted in any sector that involves machines and connected devices. We help create machine learning algorithms and collect data from these sources to improve efficiency.

How can I ensure the security of my IoT data?

Just like data security, IoT security involves keeping devices and data secure with proper infrastructure. We assure that there will be no security mishandling or leaks on our end during development. Security in the client’s environment will depend on their own measures and protocols.

What kind of IoT solutions does AppKodes offer?

We primarily focus on the development side of IoT. For hardware and firmware needs, we can connect you with the right companies, or we can work with your chosen devices. Once we replicate the IoT development environment, we handle the complete development solutions for you.

Does AppKodes provide ongoing support and maintenance for IoT applications?

We offer both free and paid support for all our projects. After the initial launch, we provide free support to ensure your IoT environment is running smoothly. Once the environment is on autopilot, we can provide premium support whenever you need updates or to fix unexpected errors.

How much does it cost to develop an IoT application?

Development costs vary from $15,000 to $80,000 USD based on your requirements. If your project is smaller, like an MVP, we can discuss your needs and find a suitable fixed price for your project.

What programming languages does AppKodes use for IoT development?

Our IoT experts excel in embedded software languages (Python, Java, C++), cloud infrastructures (AWS, Azure, GCP, DigitalOcean), and IoT protocols (MQTT, CoAP). We ensure seamless functionality by selecting the right connectivity methods and updating applications based on firmware updates.

Can AppKodes help me with sensor selection and integration?

As an enterprise mobile app development company, we primarily focus on app and front-end development for IoT environments, connecting integrated devices in the network. For sensor and hardware selection, we can recommend reliable companies within our network.

How long does it typically take to develop an IoT application?

Project timelines vary, typically ranging from 2 to 6 months based on requirements. We can expedite delivery for simpler projects or urgent needs, regardless of app complexity.



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