
Partner with Right Startup Mobile App Development Company!

Throughout our history of providing app development services, we are proud to have closely worked with numerous startup companies, particularly in mobile application development. We have successfully helped over a thousand startups bring their business ideas to life.

Under Development

We are currently working on an exciting startup project for the media industry in France. The idea is to create a common platform for artists and media hiring professionals. Artists can showcase their talents on their profiles, and they will be selected if they meet the hiring criteria.

Platform for Artists and Media People

We are developing a website portal to connect media professionals with the right talents. Artists from various professions, such as music, acting, singing, and more, can upload their talents. Media professionals looking for specific talents will be able to browse through a list of artists to find the perfect match.

Startup Mobile App Development​

Looking for Development Partner for your Startup?

At AppKodes, we provide comprehensive startup app development services, including customer-friendly apps, highly-scalable solutions, and robust cybersecurity services for startups. With our expertise in web and mobile technology, we offer technical consulting, development support, and assistance in choosing the right server infrastructure.

Development Partner

Once you come up with a good app idea, we can collaborate to bring it to life with all the necessary technical aspects, ensuring your mission is achieved through our custom mobile app development services tailored for startups. As a startup app development agency, we provide top app developers for startups.

Technical Consulting

If you have your own development team but are facing challenges with core functionalities such as live streaming, server scalability, technical issues, API integrations, mobile app optimization, security issues, app store submission difficulties or migrations, we can provide app development consulting services to assist you.

Monetization Strategies

Any startup app development targeting a specific audience requires seamless monetization modules, which need expert strategy and technical support. We ensures efficient integration with payment gateway systems and smooth business operations with any types of subscriptions module with all metrics.

Comprehensive Suite of Services for Startup Mobile App Development

With extensive industry experience, we have been helping thousands of startups since 2011. We began our journey as a startup web app development company and quickly transitioned to offering comprehensive mobile app development services, including design, UI/UX, deployment, and testing for both cross-platform and iOS app development, as the market evolved in 2015.

Today, we are recognized as the best startup mobile app development agency, with hundreds of top developers on our team. This expertise has allowed us to establish a set of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for working with startup companies. Our SOPs cover the entire process, from requirement gathering, technical design, and consulting, to development, QA, and deployment, making it especially easy for startup founders to navigate the development process.

Technical Guidance

With our top-class development team, we can assemble a group of top app developers for your startup mobile app development based on your requirements. As one of the leading startup app development companies, we provide technical expertise for non-technical founders who starts tech startups, ensuring their project is in capable hands. Our team possesses unique skills and can be tailored to your project needs. They can help you decide on the tech stack, frameworks, tools, and methodologies based on your target audience and budget. Additionally, they ensure thorough code reviews and optimization, leaving you with no worries about the quality of the development process.

Project Management

Our aim is to genuinely ensure your business success while taking on the responsibility of project development and management. We can choose the most suitable methodology for your project, whether it’s Agile, Waterfall, or another approach. We keep you informed about every step of the development process, maintaining transparent communication with the team, leads, project managers, and CEO/CTO. We use our own user-friendly collaboration tool to facilitate this process.

UI/UX Development

Our business development team and project managers can help you choose a highly appealing and user-friendly interface that aligns with your business objectives. We can also assist in conducting user research using wireframes to ensure they match your target audience. Additionally, we perform usability testing to identify and fix any UI/UX issues before the project launch.

Quality Assurance

Leave the technical issues to us. We have a predefined QA process that includes functional testing, performance testing, security testing, and compatibility testing across various platforms and devices to ensure your business model works seamlessly everywhere. As a startup business owner, you don’t need to worry about the technical aspects. Our team will handle them, allowing you to focus on your business growth.

Deployment and Launch

Don’t worry about creating app store accounts and successfully launching your apps. With extensive experience working with both the App Store and Play Store, we know the complete process for launching your apps. We can also handle the graphical assets needed for promotional materials, press releases, and social media campaigns. We are your one-stop solution for everything you need for your startup.

Support and Maintenance

You can opt for our technical support until your business establishes its own in-house technical team, as we genuinely want your business to succeed. If any issues arise during this time, our team will quickly address and fix them based on the severity. We can also assist with technology upgrades, project updates, and enhancements.

Value-Added Services

We don’t just stop at technical support. We also have our own marketing team specialized in PPC campaigns, social media campaigns, digital marketing, and SEO. With extensive experience in driving organic traffic through content marketing and on/off-page optimization, we can help boost your business’s online presence. This service is optional, and you can choose to work with our marketing team if needed.

App Developers for Startups: Proven Results, Real Impact

We have a high-level understanding of the startup mobile app development process, having worked with clients in over 50 countries. Our support extends from consulting and development to marketing strategies, ensuring that all startup development efforts achieve strong branding exposure and customer loyalty.

Whether it’s native app development, game app development, hybrid app development, iPhone app development, Android app development, or custom app development, we assure top-notch quality and timely delivery of project milestones. As a leading mobile app development company for startups, we take our responsibility seriously, aligning our efforts with your business vision to ensure success.

Startup App Ideas

Developing a startup app involves deep market research and invaluable insights from various target audiences to understand their existing problems and pain points. This ensures we create the right digital transformation solution to achieve your business vision. We will thoroughly explore your business ideas to find the right tech stack and the best mobile app development process, ensuring your plan is executed correctly from day one.

Starup Business Goals

Bringing startup ideas to a monetized business requires a great marketing strategy that integrates seamlessly with development. Unlike other startup mobile app development companies, we incorporate your marketing strategy into the mobile app development process. We understand that marketing and development are not separate entities. We ensure that your business goals align with our development process, resulting in a cohesive and successful product launch.

Fullstack Software Development

Our web development team has extensive experience in full-cycle product development to support startup ideas, including both web apps and mobile apps. We can assemble a team of full-stack specialists to ensure your startup mobile app development stays within your initial budget without compromising the complete technical architecture needed for your startup idea.

Mobile Apps Development

To compete in the dynamic, evolving market with your brand new startup idea, your mobile applications need to deliver exceptional results by overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities. Our mobile application development team has a decade of expertise in native app development, ensuring a smooth launch of your mobile app and guiding your startup idea through every stage of go-to-market (GTM) strategy.

Custom Software Development

As an enterprise software development company, we have delivered numerous products and projects worldwide. Creating custom software requires a deep understanding of workflows and strong methodologies like Agile development. This ensures the production aligns with requirements and allows for continuous improvement at every stage.

Conquer Any Industry with Our Adaptable Startup Mobile App Development Process

Launching your mobile app startup in any industry requires the right technical expertise. From data management to user experience, we have supported various industries, both startups and enterprises, with our unique approach to the startup app development process.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is revolutionizing entire industries, making it an excellent time for startups to leverage technologies like natural language processing, computer vision, and machine learning. These technologies enable the creation of intelligent solutions for a wide range of industry-specific applications.


As economic innovation revolutionizes, the fintech industry is transforming and disrupting traditional banking and financial services. Innovations such as mobile payments, digi-banking, blockchain-based finance, and AI-driven investment banking systems are leading the way.


As technology innovations grow, the threat of cyberattacks also increases. This creates opportunities for new startups to provide security solutions such as firewalls, threat detection, data protection, and incident response. Developing innovative ideas in this space can help address the rising cybersecurity challenges.


Robotic startups are developing autonomous robots and automation for various industries, including manufacturing, inventory management, logistics, healthcare, and customer supports.

Green Technology

Eco-friendly practices and sustainability are driving innovation in startups, leading to clean energy solutions, energy-efficient technologies, and eco-friendly products like electric vehicles. This creates significant opportunities for technology to address various pain points in these areas.


Right after the COVID pandemic, online education and certification systems have rapidly moved online, leveraging advancements in technology like live streaming and blockchain-based certification systems. This shift creates ample space for innovative startup ideas for your new endeavor.

Climate Tech

Climate change is a global challenge, and unpredictable natural disasters are creating opportunities for startups to address these issues with innovative solutions. Startups can focus on carbon capture, clean energy generation, climate monitoring, and sustainable infrastructure to help tackle the impacts of climate change.


Food technology startups are innovating in areas like alternative proteins, vertical farming, food delivery, and personalized nutrition to address food security and sustainability challenges.


Advancements in genomics, gene editing, and personalized medicine are opening up opportunities for startups focusing on novel therapies, personalized diagnostics, and digital health management systems, all aimed at enhancing the health and well-being of individuals by bringing your startup ideas to life.


With the powerful innovation of IoT, new startups are emerging in agriculture technology to automate manual tasks, improve crop yields, optimize resource utilization, and promote sustainable agriculture. These startups leverage AI, robotics, drones, and data analytics to transform the agricultural landscape.

Metaverse and Web3

The metaverse and Web3 are emerging as the next frontier of the internet. Startups are exploring decentralized apps, Hyperledger, virtual worlds, NFTs, and other blockchain technologies, such as digital assets authentication and digital certifications, paving the way for innovative advancements in this space.


Focused on women’s health and wellness, FemTech startups are developing products and services for menstrual health, fertility, pregnancy, menopause, and other women-specific needs.

Why AppKodes is Your Go-To Solution to Develop a Startup App

Our development services for startups, including innovation and engineering, support tech startups across all industries. We leverage advanced technologies, maintain committed team communication, and employ project management practices on par with top Fortune 500 companies, all within an affordable budget.


In today’s digital landscape, creating exceptional digital experiences is crucial for startup success. Our startup software developers specialize in building customized mobile apps for your startup, ensuring that your unique vision comes to life. With a focus on innovation and usability, we deliver tailored solutions that enhance user engagement and drive growth.


In the competitive market, your startup app requires seamless compatibility with both the App Store and Google Play to reach users on mobile devices. Our expertise in web development and software engineering allows us to build digital solutions that are both robust and user-friendly. We ensure that your app meets the highest standards, providing an exceptional experience.


Finding the right development partner is the first step in your marketing evolution. We ensure your brand awareness grows at every turn by providing exceptional results and addressing your customers’ pain points in any challenges and opportunities you encounter. We promise to extend our technical support for your business until it reaches its full potential.

Why Do You Need AppKodes?

Tired of the prolonged development process? Let us together bid goodbye to sleepless waits and development nightmares. Engage with us like other leading enterprises to go beyond the ordinary.


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Enterprises Project

How We Work

Discussion & Analysis

Our initial discussion will focus on cloud infrastructure, scaling phases, closed beta invites, the first beta launch, and subsequent releases. This conversation is key to crafting robust interfaces that will pave the way for the bright future of your social media application.

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UI / UX design

The ideation process for the UI/UX design will give you a clear picture of how your social media application will interact with users. At this stage, you'll see the foundational structure of your app. Once we finalize this, we’ll proceed to the actual development phase.


The development of your social media application will unfold in individual sprints, with progress shared with you step by step to prevent any last-minute surprises. To proceed to the next stage, we require strong confirmation from you, ensuring a smooth development and delivery process.

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Quality Assurance

Beginning with unit testing, we'll conduct thorough quality assurance for each sprint release to ensure what we deliver is bug-free and without major issues. Our dedicated QA team follows a meticulous process, and all test cases and a final list of fixes will be readily available for your review at any time.

Delivery & Maintenance

Following the closed beta releases, We as a team will manage the entire deployment process, including server configuration and app submission, among other tasks. During the initial delivery phase, we will closely monitor the application's performance to ensure a stable and seamless user experience.

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Discuss Your Project Idea With Us

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You will hear from us within 24 hours!

Let’s Talk

Feel free to share your ideas; we value innovation. An NDA can be signed prior to discussions for your convenience.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to develop a startup mobile app?

The cost of mobile app development for startups generally depends on the requirements and complexity of the business model and the solutions the startup aims to provide. After a brief introduction to your startup idea, we can determine whether it involves standard solutions or more complex ones. Typically, our charges for startups range from $20K USD to $80K USD, depending on the specific requirements.

Do you offer different pricing models?

Yes. Understanding the budget constraints of startup companies, we offer different pricing models. The basic model is hourly, which is ideal for upgrading existing projects and small projects. The most recommended option for startups is a fixed price based on project requirements, where development falls completely under our management. We can discuss the project details and negotiate the final price.

Can you work within our budget constraints?

Yes, we can. Sometimes clients come to us with a fixed budget. In such cases, we help them prioritize the essential features for the MVP and final build, making it suitable for fundraising. Additional modules or features can be implemented once the project starts generating revenue.

How long does it take to develop a mobile app?

We have developed and launched apps within a month, depending on the project requirements and our expertise. If your project requirements are similar to ones we’ve worked on before, we can expedite the process for a quick delivery. Otherwise, the project timeline will depend on the specific requirements, but we can speed it up by allocating additional resources as needed.

Can we launch a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) first and then iterate?

Of course. We have handled similar situations where we can build your MVP first to support your initial plans. We can then plan out the upcoming modules and start them when you’re ready. Regarding pricing, we can provide separate quotes for the MVP and the full project development.

What technology stack do you recommend for our app?

The tech stack depends on the solutions your startup provides and the target audience environment. If you’re unsure what to choose, we can recommend the right tech stacks for your needs. We can also work with your suggestions, leveraging your extensive market research and technical understanding.

Should we build a native app or a cross-platform app?

We always recommend native development for startup apps because it fully utilizes mobile resources and provides an exceptional user experience. While UI design for native apps may take additional time, it is completely worth it. Many choose React Native apps over native due to budget constraints. To address this, we offer native app development at the same budget typically allocated for hybrid mobile app development.

Who owns the code and intellectual property of the app?

Absolutely. The source code, UI elements and design assets, database structures, and everything else will be given to you as your intellectual property, ensuring you have complete ownership of your project. We understand that startups often need this kind of agreement for fundraising purposes. Additionally, we sometimes offer to take a small equity stake in your company if you have a limited budget for development. Please contact our customer care team to learn more about this option.

What kind of agreement will we sign to protect our interests?

We are open to any agreements you prefer to sign before discussing your startup ideas. We have a general NDA document that covers all essential areas to protect your startup ideas.

Can we make changes or modifications to the app after launch?

Yes, the source code we deliver at the end of the project is fully open source, allowing any developer to work on it for further enhancements. If needed, we can provide technical documentation. Additionally, we offer modifications if you commit to long-term support and maintenance.



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