
Saas Development Company

We have developed many software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications and established ourselves as the best SaaS development company in recent years. We can be the right partner for your new dream SaaS application development or to upgrade your existing one.

Recently Launched

We developed an excellent SEO tool that was recently acquired by a U.S. company. The SEO tool helps digital marketing experts find their keyword rankings and provides insights to improve their rankings on search engines.

SEO Tool to Boost Your Keywords

The tool we developed helps by identifying the position of keywords and their competitors’ positions, highlighting overall differences. Additionally, it includes a competitor AI feature that assesses the overall performance of competitors.


How SaaS is Reshaping the Software Industry?

It’s clear that the online software industry is moving towards subscription-based software because it is more flexible and robust. Customers can choose any software they would like to try and buy online. This ease of access has made cloud-based SaaS applications grow faster than other industries.

Cost Efficient

With the advantages of SaaS applications offering different types of payment options—such as trials, freemium, pay-as-you-go, per-user pricing, tiered or feature-based pricing, usage-based pricing, and one-time pricing—customers can choose the most efficient option that fits their budget. They can then decide to stay or churn based on their experience with the software.

Global Access

The cloud-native app development facilitates global accessibility for SaaS applications. While it can make compliance with regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and LGPD easier due to its flexibility and adaptability, ensuring compliance requires proactive planning, careful consideration of data practices, and potentially legal expertise in SaaS development services.

Highly Scalable

SaaS application development requires close attention from the very beginning. Starting with an optimized database structure, every single line of code must focus on scalability. No one can predict when a SaaS application will go viral and receive an insane amount of traffic. Therefore, a SaaS application should be highly auto-scalable to anticipate anytime growth.

Our Proven SaaS Development Approach

Our SaaS application development services encompass various stages to ensure your application is planned and executed correctly from the ground up. As a SaaS product development company with experience in developing our own SaaS applications, we understand every pain point of owning a SaaS application.

From the initial ideation and validation discussions, our team will seamlessly involve you in the development process, ensuring a highly successful and transparent experience. You can stay fully connected with our team and request any clarifications at any stage.

Ideation and Validation

On our first call, we will sit with you to discuss your ideas and help you choose the tech stack by identifying your target audience and the aim of your product. This discussion will also involve a deeper understanding of competitors, target audience, and market demand to better grasp your idea and develop a proof of concept (PoC) to assess your go-to-market (GTM) strategy.

Planning and Design

After our initial call, our team will dive into gathering requirements, focusing on unique selling points, key features, and the needs of your target users. We’ll also identify the solutions our project will provide. From there, we’ll develop a pricing structure for your application and begin crafting the technical foundation, including the database and API formats. Next, we’ll work on the UI/UX wireframes to confirm the application flow with SOW.

Development Process

After careful consideration, we will choose the right tech stack and begin working on the base frameworks and reusable components. Once the modules are well-integrated, we will proceed to quality assurance, which includes unit testing, regression testing, and manual testing. After passing QC, integration testing will be conducted, ensuring all third-party components, such as the payment gateway, are properly connected to the SaaS application.

Deployment and Launch

Based on the tech stack and the nature of the SaaS application, we will choose the right cloud provider (AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean) and start the deployment with two separate environments for production and live. This ensures important development processes, such as Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD), for more reliable and faster patch releases. Once deployment is complete, we can collaborate on beta testing and the official launch.

Maintenance and Updates

Our development process includes analytics integration to track application performance and error handling with watchdog implementation to notify SaaS application owners if anything goes wrong. We also continuously add new features based on customer feedback and ensure the system is upgraded with every new technological update.

Scaling and Growth

We ensure that the SaaS application is fully scalable with auto server scaling enabled to accommodate traffic and user demands. The server will be configured to be elastic, adjusting based on traffic volume to support uninterrupted growth. Additionally, we will integrate comprehensive customer support features into the application, ensuring you can effectively support your customers as you expand.

Essential Integrations to Supercharge the SaaS Development

As an experienced SaaS software development company, we have tackled challenging environments such as building engine servers for automation, big data, and artificial intelligence, continuously expanding our knowledge about SaaS applications.

What sets us apart from other SaaS development companies is our deep understanding of the specific requirements during the SaaS development process. We excel in integrating essential features such as analytics, marketing automation, email marketing and communication automation, CRM integration, and other fundamental integrations like payment gateways and lead management software. With our extensive experience from developing our own SaaS applications, we can elevate your SaaS project to the next level.

Analytics and Performance Tracking

Our SaaS application development includes analytics integrations (GA, Mixpanel, Amplitude) for tracking website traffic, user behavior, conversions, and campaign performance. We can also integrate heatmap tracking (MS Clarity, Hotjar) for live user behavior tracking to ensure your onboarding process and user experience flows are working as expected.

Marketing Evaluation and Automation

We can also help you integrate third-party software that is useful for marketing evaluation and automation. By integrating APIs from third-party software, we can automate your CRM with all necessary customer details. Additionally, we can automate client communication when there is churn from your application, among many other processes, with the help of third-party applications and their APIs.

Email Marketing and Communication

Keeping SaaS application users connected through email communication is crucial, and this can be automated based on various stages of user behavior, situations, and other triggers to encourage them to return to the application. We can integrate APIs from popular mailing services such as Mailchimp, SendGrid, and others. Additionally, we can create dynamic email templates to send personalized emails to customers.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

To keep track of your customer base and revenue for your SaaS application, it is essential to connect your application with a reliable customer relationship management (CRM) software. We can integrate popular CRM solutions such as HubSpot with your SaaS application to automate the customer lifecycle flow and track all subscriptions, churn rates, new subscriptions, and more, ensuring complete integration with the CRM.

Other Business Integrations

Based on your SaaS application’s payment structure and target audience location, we can choose the best payment gateway options, such as PayPal, Stripe, or Braintree, and integrate the right payment system. Additionally, we can integrate project management systems, help desk software, and social media platforms within the development process.

SaaS Solutions Tailored to Your Industry, Built with Precision

The SaaS application industry is vast, but the right development team and process can ensure the success of your SaaS product ideas. With our experience across various industries, we can execute your SaaS project in any sector, ensuring top-notch results.


We specialize in healthcare SaaS development, including EHR systems to streamline clinical workflows. Our advanced features like appointment scheduling, billing, and telehealth management enable virtual consultations and remote patient monitoring.


We can help you develop edutech software, including learning management systems, online course and certification systems, and educational content management systems. We can integrate authentic certification and scoring systems into your edutech platform.


We can develop software for marketing automation, including email marketing tools, social media schedulers, and SEO and content marketing tools to streamline your digital marketing process. Additionally, we can incorporate AI for SEO tracking and content writing.

Entertainment and Media

We specialize in developing live streaming and video-on-demand content delivery platforms, similar to popular OTT services like Netflix. We can create applications for both TV and mobile devices, compatible with various operating systems and resolutions.

Finance & Accounting

Our team has extensive experience in fintech development, including accounting software, cryptocurrency applications and payroll and tax management solutions automate payroll. We ensure your fintech project adheres to all necessary guidelines and regional regulations.


We can help you develop a Human Resources Management system to manage recruitment, onboarding, payroll, performance monitoring, salary hikes, incentives, and leave management. We can also create it as a SaaS application if you want to sell it to other companies.

Project Collaboration

We can help you create project collaboration tools for various teams, including development, marketing, healthcare, sales, and cash and debt collection. Our tools will enhance collaboration by integrating location tracking and Agile methodologies, streamlining your project execution.

Travel and Hospitality

We can create a SaaS application to help you start your hotel or extra space booking and reservation management business, similar to Airbnb. Our solution will include schedulers and all the necessary features for a comprehensive booking and reservation management system.

Retail & e-Commerce

Our experts can build your eCommerce SaaS platform, enabling sellers to launch their own storefronts with inventory and order management with all the advanced ecommerce features. We can integrate a subscription model for sellers on your eCommerce platform.


Your idea of creating a customer relationship management software with a subscription model can be realized by our experts. Our experts will include features like sales pipeline management, customer data management, customer support, email automation, and analytics.

Real Estate

Our experts can help you develop softwares for real estate apps, including property management systems, real estate CRM, rental and lease management systems, FSBO portals, and real estate marketplaces. We worked with all the guidelines for real estate application development.


We can help you create a SaaS platform for manufacturing units, incorporating features such as product planning, inventory management, quality control, and supply chain management. We can integrate AI to enhance the efficiency of production processes.

The SaaS Development Company That Empowers Your Business Growth

Choosing AppKodes for your SaaS development is the right choice for several reasons. We guide you through the entire process, from beta launch to autopilot, ensuring your revenue stream increases gradually.

Affordable Budget

We focus on the business model and solutions your SaaS application aims to provide for your target audience. We offer stage-by-stage SaaS application development, ensuring your startup is developed cost-effectively and affordably.

Understanding of SaaS

Having developed our own SaaS application for our operations, we have a deep understanding of how SaaS work and how to transition from POC to the first launch. We can guide you through the other essential elements integration for smooth operations.

Solid Experience

With a decade of experience in software application development, we ensure all your requirements are met and exceeded. Our team will continuously work on your SaaS application, prioritizing tasks to ensure your business plan is successful from the start.

Why Do You Need AppKodes?

Tired of the prolonged development process? Let us together bid goodbye to sleepless waits and development nightmares. Engage with us like other leading enterprises to go beyond the ordinary.


Happy Clients


SaaP Delivered


Years Of Experience


Enterprises Project

How We Work

Discussion & Analysis

Our initial discussion will focus on cloud infrastructure, scaling phases, closed beta invites, the first beta launch, and subsequent releases. This conversation is key to crafting robust interfaces that will pave the way for the bright future of your social media application.

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UI / UX design

The ideation process for the UI/UX design will give you a clear picture of how your social media application will interact with users. At this stage, you'll see the foundational structure of your app. Once we finalize this, we’ll proceed to the actual development phase.


The development of your social media application will unfold in individual sprints, with progress shared with you step by step to prevent any last-minute surprises. To proceed to the next stage, we require strong confirmation from you, ensuring a smooth development and delivery process.

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Quality Assurance

Beginning with unit testing, we'll conduct thorough quality assurance for each sprint release to ensure what we deliver is bug-free and without major issues. Our dedicated QA team follows a meticulous process, and all test cases and a final list of fixes will be readily available for your review at any time.

Delivery & Maintenance

Following the closed beta releases, We as a team will manage the entire deployment process, including server configuration and app submission, among other tasks. During the initial delivery phase, we will closely monitor the application's performance to ensure a stable and seamless user experience.

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Discuss Your Project Idea With Us

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You will hear from us within 24 hours!

Let’s Talk

Feel free to share your ideas; we value innovation. An NDA can be signed prior to discussions for your convenience.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is your experience in SaaS application development? Can you share examples of similar projects you've completed?

We have been working with SaaS owners for the last five years and understand the SaaS application development process well. Contact our live support team to learn more about our SaaS clients and their success stories.

What technologies and frameworks do you typically use for SaaS development?

Your requirements and target audience will determine the technology stack. If you’re unsure about which technology stacks to use, we can have a call to understand your complete requirements and target audience. Based on this, we can suggest the appropriate tech stack and server requirements.

What is your pricing model for SaaS development projects? Do you offer fixed-price or hourly rates?

We offer both fixed price and hourly rates for your SaaS application development. Additionally, you have the option to hire our developers, allowing you to maintain control over the entire development process.

What is your project timeline estimation process? How do you ensure projects are delivered on time and within budget?

We will estimate the time needed based on a comprehensive study of your requirements. Then, we’ll plan separate releases for different or connected modules to ensure project milestones are reached effectively within your budget.

Do you offer ongoing support and maintenance after the SaaS application is launched? If so, what does that entail?

Yes, we offer ongoing support and maintenance after your SaaS application is successfully launched. To learn about the cost of our different support packages, please contact our support team.

How do you ensure the security of the SaaS application and its data? What measures do you take to protect against vulnerabilities and breaches?

As an enterprise app development company, we ensure that all applications and software developed under our brand adhere to the best practices of software development for maximum security. In case of any vulnerabilities, we guarantee swift resolution to maintain the integrity and security of your application.

How do you design the application to be scalable and handle increasing user loads?

From the design phase of the SaaS application, we implement micro-level coding standards to ensure scalability and the ability to handle a large number of users. We recommend configuring auto-scaling servers, and our development approach aligns with this recommendation.

How do you ensure the application is compatible with different browsers and devices?

Based on the SaaS application requirements, we will build a development environment with the necessary deployment setups to ensure the application supports all browsers, mobile devices, and tablets.

Do you have experience with integrating the SaaS application with other systems or APIs?

Yes, we have integrated numerous third-party applications to ensure any SaaS application runs smoothly and operates well with connected services. We have extensive experience working with various APIs for SaaS application development.

We adhere to all global standards and regulations based on the location where the SaaS application is launched. We listen to customer feedback and conduct our own regulatory checks to ensure the application is legal and compliant with all necessary regulations.



Get in touch with our expert support team to find a lot more on the demo and pricing. It’s

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