Admin :
[Added] Dashboard
[Added] Roles & Privileges
[Added] Manage Illness & Specialities
[Added] Insurance & Carriers
[Added] Cancellation Policies
[Added] Hospital Management
[Added] Doctors Management
[Added] Patients Management
[Added] Reservations
[Added] Rating & Reviews
[Added] Report
[Added] Site Settings
[Added] Payment Settings
[Added] Help pages
Apps :
[Added] Patient / doctor login, signup and patient social Login
[Added] User edit profile.
[Added] Custom options to change home page specialities
[Added] Search doctor by filters.
[Added] Doctor & hospital details.
[Added] Bookings, Booking details.
[Added] Instant chats.
[Added] Favourite doctors.
[Added] Multiple languages & currencies.
[Added] Invite friends
[Added] Rating and Reviews.
[Added] Doctor: Update portfolio images and certificates.
[Added] Doctor: Payout preference
[Added] Doctor: Calendar / Availability settings
[Added] Doctor Add / edit slots.
[Added] Doctor: Messages.
[Added] Doctor: Transaction History.
[Added] Doctor: Invite friends.
[Added] Doctor / User Email and push Notifications settings.
[Added] Doctor: Video Visit alert.
[Added] Contact page.
[Added] Help & Terms content.