
Online Real Estate Property Management – Embracing the Cloud

Real Estate Property Management

Over the past couple of years, the property marketplace has been undergoing a technological revolution, with cloud computing being one of the major causes. This megatrend has considerably simplified operations and enhanced efficacy in the sector.

The traditional ways of managing property face problems like manual documentation, small-scale communication, data serialization, and incoherence. These techniques generally generate delays, mistakes, and an increase in spending.

At the same time, using localized software may lower accessibility to information and decrease communication among the real estate property management teams.

Cloud-based systems in real estate property management have become a critical part of this transformation, giving real estate professionals access to robust capabilities and tools for the successful management of their property portfolios.

This blog entails the cardinal contribution of cloud-based property management systems to the real estate sector that affects the real estate property management level, tenant interaction, and overall business operations.

What is a Real Estate Property Management System?

Property management in real estate is managing and operating properties for property owners’ benefit to maximize value and returns. Tenant interactions, maintenance coordination, financial management, legal compliance, leasing activities, as well as risk reduction are included in this.

The main responsibility of the property managers is the maintenance of the properties, tenant satisfaction, and financial goals achievement. Their role is of the utmost importance when it comes to increasing the performance of the property and protecting the asset value.

What is Cloud-based Online Real Estate Property Management Software?

Cloud computing enables property managers to access their management software and data online without the need for on-premises servers and software installations.

This enables the provision of more scalable and flexible operations because users can access the software from any convenient point and device with an internet connection.

Benefits of Commercial Real Estate Online Property Management Software 


Cloud-based software can be used anytime and on any device with an internet connection, thus it gives flexibility as well as convenience to property managers and the staff. This lets real estate agents and brokers utilize IDX in real estate industry for better accessibility.


Cloud solutions can be scaled up or down adequately to meet the requirements of property portfolios. Any addition of storage, users, or features can be processed without necessitating physical hardware upgrades.

Data Security

Cloud leaders like Salesforce use powerful security strategies to protect data with encryption, access control, and regular backups. It emphasizes data security and lowers the likelihood of data loss and breaches.

Salesforce as a key actor in cloud computing

Salesforce has developed specific cloud-based platforms for residential property management, like Salesforce’s Real Estate Cloud. This solution makes it easier for property managers to collect all their properties’ data, simplify tenant management, automate workflow, and get analytics.

Salesforce Cloud infrastructure guarantees reliability, scalability, and top-notch security, making it a dependable choice for real estate property management professionals who want to have cloud-based solutions.

A Case Study on Cloud Based Real Estate Companies

To have an in-depth understanding of how cloud based real estate companies can be a game changer for real estate firms we need to do a real-time case study which is an analysis and implementation.

In this example, the real estate property management company witnessed a drastic transformation in its approach to business when it underwent a complete transition to cloud computing.

Brand Name: Redfin

Redfin was co-founded by Michael Dougherty, David Eraker, and David Selinger in 2004 as a technology-based company to disrupt the real estate property management industry. At first, Redfin had to deal with the same issues that traditional real estate brokerages encountered, the common challenges.

High Costs and Commission Structures

Generally, classic brokerages charge high commission rates, which can limit taking part in the market for some customers. Redfin aimed at providing a more budget-friendly system.

Limited Transparency

Historically speaking, the real estate market was not transparent and it was therefore hard for sellers and buyers to obtain timely and authentic information about investment properties.

Dependency on Manual Processes

In the old days, real estate transactions were manual and time-consuming, and they included listing updates, and paperwork.

Agent-Centric Approach

Originally, conventional brokers mainly put their emphasis on agents, not considering the role that technology plays in improving customer experiences.

These challenges were solved by migrating Redfin to the cloud as a transformative solution. In this manner, cloud computing provided the following.

Centralized Data Storage

Through cloud computing, Redfin was able to store and access all the real estate data in a centralized, and secure location. It ensured that the online display of multiple rental properties and market data was updated regularly, thereby increasing accuracy and transparency.


Public cloud infrastructure was convenient for Redfin as the company could easily grow and scale its operations. This enabled fast growth in new markets and an easy way of handling larger sets of data.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Through utilizing cloud-based platforms, Redfin provided the general public with interactive digital tools that enabled them to perform property searches, book a virtual tour, schedule a visit, and oversee the transaction process. It brought higher customer satisfaction and made the traditional call center model less important.

Cost Efficiency

Redfin utilized cloud computing to minimize costs by cutting down on physical infrastructure and achieving better resource utilization. This in turn helped Redfin to cut its commissions and share the savings with its clients.

Real-Time Collaboration

The cloud-based systems enabled Redfin’s agents to work together in real-time with clients and partners. This quick communication and decision-making move the process through the entire home buying and selling process.

Redfin’s Achievements

  • With a total of 49 web properties and mobile apps, Redfin’s reach is wide with 49.5 million consumers monthly.
  • In 2023, Redfin managed over 61,000 home sales.
  • Last year, Redfin made $977 million in revenue compared to $125 million in 2014 which is a staggeringly huge 782% difference.
  • Redfin’s market share of the U. S. real estate transactions had reached 0. 76% in 2023 which is of 1.8x rise since 2017
  • Redfin.com places fourth among real estate websites in the U. S. and gets about 10 visitors per month on an average of 10.2 million visitors monthly.

Notably, cloud computing helped Redfin to overthrow the traditional real estate model by using the new technology.

Through the implementation of technology, Redfin was able to establish transparency, decrease costs, and improve customer experience, demonstrating the power of cloud-based solutions within the real estate industry.

How Cloud-based Online Property Management Software Works?

Cloud-based real estate property management software provides a scalable, efficient, and secure solution for managing properties and optimizing operations. Through the use of cloud technology, experienced property managers can simplify processes, improve tenants’ experiences, and efficiently make decisions aimed at optimizing property value and returns.

Technology Built on Cloud-Based Property Management System

A cloud-based system integrates different technologies to simplify operations in rental property management.

Property Management Rental for Tenant

The system allows for effective managing leases involving tracking lease terms, as well as creating lease agreements and lease renewals.

Prospective tenants are vetted with tools such as background checks, credit checks, and verification of market rental history.

The system covers communication with tenants both through portals and messaging systems, so they can quickly receive and pass the announcements, payment reminders, and maintenance updates.

Financial Management

The system is set up to manage rent collection processes, hence, tenants can pay the rent online through integrated payment gateways.

Tenants can easily pay for rent, utilities, or any other service via the system.

The feature includes accounting features to track income and expenses for each property, generate financial statements, and manage budgets.

Maintenance Management

One may also report an issue or a repair needed through our online maintenance request form.

The system links maintenance requests from submission to completion, allocating tasks to maintenance personnel or external professional service providers.

It helps coordinate with maintenance vendors, service history tracking, and billing administration.

Reporting and Analytics

The system accumulates and processes property data to ultimately create decision-making tips.

Users will have access to customizable reports on occupancy, rental income, expenses, maintenance, and other KPIs.

The real-time accessibility to data and analytics helps property managers in decision-making about property operations, rental options, and budget planning.

Advantages of Cloud-based Online Property Management Services.

Real estate Property management services provided in the cloud offer broad advantages that can improve the efficiency, scalability, and effectiveness of managing real estate assets. Some key benefits include.

Accessibility and Remote Management

The system can be accessed by system administrators at any time of the day either through web browsers or mobile applications. This flexibility is the key to remote management of multiple properties and quick response to tenant inquiries and maintenance issues.

Centralized Data Storage

On cloud-based platforms, all property-related information is stored in a centralized database. The Multiple Listing Service in real estate instantly makes it consistent and accessible for authorized users. This eliminates the need to use physical paperwork or spreadsheets which would lower the risk of data loss or errors.

Scalability and Flexibility

Cloud solutions can scale up or down to business demands, adapting to the shifts in property portfolios or operational tasks. New features can be easily incorporated, and new users can be onboarded without the need to make significant IT infrastructure investments.

Automation of Routine Tasks

The cloud-based real estate property management service handles repetitive tasks like collecting rent, renewing leases, and taking care of maintenance requests. This saves time by eliminating the administrative burden so that property managers can divert attention to strategic tasks and tenant relationships.

Enhanced Tenant Experience

The tenants are served by a self-service online owner portal where they can make maintenance requests, pay online rent, and download a lease agreement. This increases tenant satisfaction and hence obviates the use of manual communication channels.

Real-time Insights and Reporting

Cloud platforms with their advanced reporting and analytics capabilities can provide actual-time insights such as property performance, occupancy rates, financial metrics, and maintenance trends. This allows data-driven decision-making and proactive management to be pushed further.

Improved Collaboration and Communication

Cloud-based systems enable smooth communication among the property management personnel, the tenants, the vendors, and other stakeholders. Communication features within the platform allow such interactions to flow smoothly and provide transparency on workflows.

Cost Efficiency

Cloud solutions usually work on a subscription basis and free companies from the need to make an advanced hardware purchase, thereby reducing IT maintenance costs. The idea of predictable pricing and scalability without the hassle of maintaining on-premises infrastructure empowers property managers.

Security and Compliance

Major cloud service providers apply advanced security solutions for the protection of sensitive information about property such as encryption, access controls, and data backup. Compliance with the industry’s laws and regulations, for instance, GDPR and HIPAA, can be supported by cloud-based services.

Transforming the Real Estate Landscape

Cloud-based real estate market systems are driving innovation by using technology to create more efficient, transparent, and effective management systems. These systems promote innovation in the following ways.

Electronic Property Showings with Emerging Technologies

Cloud-based property management systems can integrate with emerging technologies like IoT in real estate industry and AI in real estate. Such as, IoT sensors can offer actual data on property conditions and AI-powered analytics can help in optimizing energy and predicting machine failures which in turn, will lead to savings of costs and operational innovation.

Adoption of Mobile Technologies

Cloud-based property management systems are characterized by the use of mobile technologies which makes them suitable since property managers can execute tasks using smartphones or tablets while on the go. This mobile-first approach shall encourage innovation because it permits real-time interactions and quicker decision-making.

Data-driven Decision-Making

Through cloud platforms, property managers can take advantage of big data analytics for strategic decision-making. By analyzing big data about property performance, market trends, and tenants’ preferences, Managers can find the chance for innovative and competitive differentiation.

API Integrations with Third-Party Services

Cloud-based property management systems usually have API integration with third-party services such as accounting software, CRM platforms, and marketing tools. Through such integration, real estate property management operations are enhanced by incorporating advanced specialized technology solutions.

Blockchain for Property Transactions

Some cloud platforms make use of blockchain technology to help people carry out safe and transparent property transactions that include rental deals or selling property. Blockchain innovation guarantees data integrity and reduces transactional fraud risks in real estate transactions.

Integration with Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

Cloud-based systems integrate with technologies like AR and VR in real estate to offer interactive and virtual property tours for future tenants. Virtual tours in real estate business have made an unbelievable industry growth in recent years. This unique method adds value to marketing activities and increases interactivity with the tenants.

On-premise vs. Cloud-based Property Management Systems

The chart below brings into focus the main contrasts between local and cloud-based property management systems.


On-Premise Property Management SystemsCloud-Based Property Management Systems
Features & FunctionalityIt requires additional customization as the flexibility is limited.Offers rich features and better customization functions.
Cost & ScalabilityRequires higher initial investments in hardware and software. Restricted scalability is supported. Users need to rely on IT support for further growthOffers subscription-based pricing model with lower upfront cost. With minimal effort, the platform can adjust with resources and support better scalability.
Security & Data BackupLocal data storage is offered. Dedicated security measures are required along with backup solutions.Offers robust security measures that include encryption, access control, and many more. The cloud service provider provides regular backup support.
Accessibility & MobilityUsers are not allowed to access the resources remotely. The access is restricted to on-site locationsCan access the resources from anywhere, anytime through the internet using browsers or mobile apps.
On-premise vs. Cloud-based Property Management Systems

The table above makes it evident that cloud-based property management systems have the upper hand over traditional on-site systems concerning flexibility, cost-effectiveness, security, and mobility. This is the reason they are the preferred choice for modern real estate management operations.

Additional Considerations for Commercial Property Management Systems

In the process of assessing commercial property management systems, and especially considering cloud-based solutions, there are a few further aspects that commercial real estate managers need to take into account for the system to meet their unique needs. Here are key considerations

Integrations with Existing Tools

It is important to integrate property management software with existing systems such as accounting software, marketing platforms, and CRM systems to ensure efficient operations and data exchange.

For Example,

Accounting Software: Integration of accounting software enables a fully automated process of rent collection, expense tracking, and reporting. It guarantees accurate financial data and cuts down on manual data entry.

Marketing Platforms: Marketing tools integration guarantees property listing syndication, lead generation, and tenant communication at one point. It is utilized to attract tenants and enhance the level of property marketing.

CRM Systems: Integration with CRM systems centralizes tenant data, improving the management of tenant relations and providing a platform for personalized communication and services.


For property managers who accomplish a lot of their work on the go, such as responding to tenant inquiries or doing property inspections as well as approving maintenance remotely, a mobile-friendly interface will be a must.

A mobile-responsive property management system optimizes productivity and allows for rapid decision-making wherever you are not limited by your desk.

Customization Options

The ability to customize the property management software helps to make it suitable for particular businesses and associated workflows.

Such flexibility allows the system to be adjusted to various property management procedures, lease plans, reporting standards, and compliance standards. The custom features make usability easy as well as improve efficiency.

Security Compliance

Security is a top priority when it comes to property management software, especially, as tenant data, financial details, and legal records are being managed.

The system should keep to industry-standard security protocols such as encrypted data, access control, and regular security audits. Implementation of regulations like GDPR and HIPAA to protect data and win the trust of stakeholders.

Customer Support

Consistent customer support is fundamental in the provision of seamless user experience and speedy resolution of problems.

Property managers have support teams that are responsive and knowledgeable in resolving technical problems, delivering training, and providing assistance on software functionalities.

Efficient customer support means that you will have less downtime, use the software more and more, and eventually feel satisfied with the property management solution.

Enhanced Marketing Efforts

Integration of marketing platforms will allow property managers to use targeted ads, email campaigns, and digital marketing strategies to find new tenants and fill up vacant units quickly.

Help Property owners learn on how to obtain real estate listings, by doing so you can maximize visibility and maximize marketing budget.

Real-Time Access and Updates

A mobile-friendly interface provides access to relevant information like being able to communicate and manage tasks with tenants or contractors from anywhere. This actual-time access gives rapid answers, quicker decision-making, and better efficiency in the management of properties.

Proactive Maintenance and Risk Mitigation

The cloud-based property management system can be combined with IoT devices to check property status, detect maintenance problems early, and automate preventive maintenance tasks.

With this proactive strategy, the operational risks are reduced, the downtime is minimized, and the life of the property is extended.

Scalability and Future-Proofing

A robust property management system should be able to handle the growth of a portfolio and changing business challenges.

Cloud computing provides scalability, as it enables users to add or remove resources while keeping the system that is functioning efficiently and easily adjustable over time.

These features enable property managers to maximize efficiency, improve tenant satisfaction, and also attain strategic goals in the changing real estate environment.

Real Estate Property Management Benefits
Real Estate Property Management

Source: https://www.altamira.ai/

Book Today for a Free Property Management Consultation and Develop Your Own Software

Are you willing to transform your real estate business using leading-edge technologies? Try Appkodes, the leading real estate app development company, to realize the potential of your real estate property management system.

Appkodes builds customized solutions focused on improving your performance using cloud-based technology to simplify operations and improve end-user interaction. Our unique specialties include,

  1. Custom-built real estate websites with IDX integration for full-featured property listings.
  2. Mobile-platform adaptable designs for busy property management.
  3. Automated features like lease management, financial analytics, and communication with tenants are some examples.

Book a free demo with us today and you will see how our solutions can upscale your real estate business. Don’t let the chance to lead in the fierce market pass you by! 

Choose Appkodes for designing a top-notch real estate management system. Contact us today to get your business to the next level!

Starting as an iOS developer and moving up to lead a mobile team at a startup, I've expanded my expertise into Project Management, DevOps and eventually becoming a COO in the IT sector. As a COO, I excel in team leadership, technical advice, and managing complex business functions, focusing on combining technology and operations to drive growth. I'm keen to connect for collaborations or to exchange insights in the tech world!



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