
MVP Software Development Services

We can help you estimate your core value proposition business idea and go to market with reduced development costs by implementing the concept of a minimum viable product to test with potential users.

By hiring AppKodes for successful MVP software development, you can benefit from decreased development costs, advanced CI/CD solutions, and increased customer loyalty, potentially achieving significant user engagement shortly after launch.

Recently Launched

We’ve recently worked the MVP architecture design for an accounting software focused primarily on expense control, a feature not adequately addressed by existing solutions, including enterprise software. This MVP has been shared with a selected group of early adopters to gather crucial feedback for further development.

Accounting Software With Expences Control

One of the main pain points for accounting software customers is expense management. Most software provides only general expense management. This MVP concept aims to integrate comprehensive expense control with the regular accounting system.


Discover the Power of MVP Software Development

Smart business people understand the power of developing a basic minimum viable product (MVP) with the core functionality of their idea. The development team plays a crucial role in building an MVP by filtering essential features and leveraging their expertise to enhance software development. Creating an MVP with minimal UI design and development reduces initial development costs and helps estimate market demand more effectively.

Validate the Idea

An MVP is the fastest way to test if your idea has real market potential. It allows you to create a feedback loop and collect valuable suggestions from real users, ensuring you satisfy early adopters and see if they’re willing to use or even pay. This feedback is invaluable in determining if you should continue developing the idea or pivot in a new direction.

Minimize Risks and Costs

Developing an minimum viable product requires significant time and financial investment. An MVP allows you to launch a basic version with core functionaliy and other essential features, minimizing both development costs and the risk of investing heavily in a product that might not succeed after launched into the market.

Iterate and Improve

With an MVP, you can quickly gather user feedback and iterate on the product based on real-world usage data. This iterative process allows you to continuously refine and improve the product during the development stage, ensuring that you’re building something that truly addresses the pain points of your target audience.

Skills Needed to Build MVP App Development 

Before selecting any custom software development company for your MVP project, there are two things one should make sure if the vendor is eligible for Minimum viable product development. At AppKodes we understand how lean startup methodology functions and define our entire software development life cycle accordingly.

We understand developing an MVP is to find the potential in the target market with minimal risk. So the development cost estimation and time estimation for any given MVP functionality should not be shaky and the entire development process to stick with these two estimation.

Core Technical Skills

Does this tech stack differ from regular product development? Yes. When we create a software based MVP, technical feasibility comes into the picture first, rather than core functionality. Going for an MVP is to check the idea with the market with minimum cost, which is a challenge for companies if they don’t plan the technical feasibility and right tech stack and software development tools. We at AppKodes, help business owners find the right direction toward these technical challenges and get the MVP developed quickly and  efficiently with the right technical skills. 

UI/UX Design

Right after the tech stack conclusion, the next step is finding the user flow which should be inlined with the market research for the MVP project. To begin with we at appkodes, give you some interactive representation of the actual MVP user flow to confirm the UI and UX meets the exact mvp requirements. The real mvp development process begin with the UI design and user flow confirmation. We can even show this presentation potential customers to get early feedback on this design to make changes.

Back-end Development

General software development life cycles beging with back end definition but for the MVP projects, this plays the maror role. Because the database and API designs works may need a enhancements and ready for the future migration once the MVP is successfull. We cannot redo the database and API once MVP is successful. We must following a development technique for the API design also to stick to a standard and highly scallable database design for the spcific MVP business model which should support any time future development cycles.

Project Management

MVP software development requires a different approach in project management. This project management is mainly focused on the timeline and milestone delivery sprints like in agile development. If project management does not go along either with the software engineering process and timely delivery commitments, MVP software development may fail as the time exceeds like a regular complete project development. We at appkodes, keep the developers and managers more flexible and inlined with the timely delivery without compromising the core functionality.

Build, Test, & Learn with Our MVP Development Services

With over a decade of experience in the IT industry, we have worked on MVP in software development for various projects tailored to our customers’ requirements. Some projects involved efficient coding with agile methodology, while others utilized no-code MVP solutions.

We have acted as an offshore project manager for many companies, collaborating with their business analysts to ensure smooth MVP development. This process helps validate their ideas and gather valuable feedback from a select group of potential customers. Share your idea and industry details with us, and we will be happy to initiate your MVP software development. Successful MVP software development with AppKodes can lead to decreased development costs, advanced CI/CD solutions, and increased customer loyalty, ensuring a strong market presence.

Mobile App MVP

Creating a native mobile application for any given specific project idea involves a huge amount of investment in time and cost. Instead of creating the whole application, we can develop a minimum viable mobile application with all essential elements to make the development process speedy and gather valuable feedback from the early potential customers. If you just have the idea, we can help you start the MVP from scratch till you deliver the earlier beta MVP access to your closed circle.


SaaS MVP Development

Especially in Software-as-a-Service development, an MVP is crucial to ensure the money spent on your idea stays within your sunk cost estimation. It helps boost your monthly recurring revenue as your idea evolves by incorporating feedback from the maximum amount of validated customers. This approach strengthens the customer lifetime value of your application.

MVP Web Development

Our development experts can bring your website project ideas to life by involving the MVP development process and focusing on the core functionality of your solutions. Our team has handled many software development projects, starting from MVP to fully conventional projects, continuously providing effective solutions. We are happy to assist with your next website project idea using the MVP development process.

Blockchain MVP

The advancement of Web3 and the Metaverse world requires that anything launched for customers be tested first using the MVP approach. Market research on blockchain projects may provide accurate customer base insights, but since this is an emerging technology, anything you develop, whether it’s on Hyperledger, an NFT marketplace, or a game, needs MVP validation. This can be successfully achieved with our expertise in the blockchain industry.


The global software industry has numerous customer relationship management software options, but there is always a gap for customized CRM solutions based on validated learning about customers. To create a custom CRM solution, you can involve MVP in software development to ensure the CRM supports the expected solutions before you invest all your time and money into it. We are happy to kick start your custom CRM solution with MVP.

How to Build an MVP and Get Early Feedback?

Launching your IoT app in any industry requires the right technical expertise. From seamless data management to an intuitive user experience, we have supported various industries, both startups and enterprises, with our unique approach to the IoT app development process.

1. Define the Problem

Clearly articulate the problem your product aims to solve. Define your unique value proposition by highlighting what sets your solution apart. Identify your target audience and their specific pain points to ensure your product effectively addresses the needs.

4. Design User Flow

Map out the user journey from initial interaction of onboarding to achieving their desired outcome. Identify potential roadblocks or friction points in the user experience by sharing the UI and UX with a select group of target audiences for feedback.

7. Budget and Timeline

Estimate the cost of developing and launching your MVP. Create a realistic timeline for each development phase. Ensure the foundation built for the MVP can be used for further development after its success. This helps to manage resources effectively.

2. Study the Competition

Research your marketing competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses interms of product and marketing. Identify gaps in the market that your product can fill. Use this information to differentiate your MVP and offer something unique.

5. Set Technical Strategy

Choose the technology stack that best suits your project’s requirements, considering factors like scalability, security, and ease of development. Explore options such as no-code or low-code platforms for faster development with a solid foundation.

8. Build and Iterate

Develop the core features of your MVP based on the prioritized list. Gather user feedback early through beta testing or early access programs. Use this feedback data to iterate and improve your product continuously, ensuring it meets user needs.

3. Prioritize Features

Brainstorm all potential features your product could have. Prioritize those that directly address the core problem and deliver the most value to users. Focus on the “must-haves” for the Miniumum Viable Product, leaving the nice-to-haves for later iterations.

6. Set Success Metrics

Determine how you will measure the success of your MVP by identifying key performance indicators such as user engagement, retention, conversion rates, customer lifetime value, churn rate, MRR, and ARR which helps you evaluate your MVP’s performance.

9. Launch and Learn

Launch your MVP to a wider audience and track success metrics. Continue gathering user feedback to inform future development. Be prepared to pivot or make significant changes based on your learnings, ensuring your product evolves to meet user needs.

Choose the Right Type of Minimum Viable Product

Don’t worry about turning your ideas into MVP solutions. In software development, MVPs generally fall into three different types. We’ll help identify which type suits your project best based on functionality, target audience, and budget.

Low-Fidelity MVP

Low-Fidelity MVPs offers a cost effective way to test your product idea before investing time and money in full fledged development. We can help you create landing pages to capture interest, explainer videos to showcase your concept, email campaigns to gauge demand, or even launch crowdfunding campaigns to validate your idea and secure funding for your project idea.

High-Fidelity MVP

High-Fidelity MVPs offer a near complete product experience for in depth testing. Choose a Single Feature MVP to focus on your core value, a Concierge MVP for personalized interaction and feedback, or a Piecemeal MVP if you can leverage existing tools to showcase your solution quickly. We can help you determine the best approach for your specific needs and goals.

Custom MVP

A custom MVP is a bespoke solution tailored to your unique needs. Whether transforming a traditional method or modernizing an old approach, a custom MVP allows you to test and validate specific aspects of your product vision. This targeted approach ensures you meet the needs of a specific audience, making them happy with your innovative MVP solution.

Why Do You Need AppKodes For MVP?

Tired of the prolonged development process? Let us together bid goodbye to sleepless waits and development nightmares. Engage with us like other leading enterprises to go beyond the ordinary.


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How We Work

Discussion & Analysis

Our initial discussion will focus on cloud infrastructure, scaling phases, closed beta invites, the first beta launch, and subsequent releases. This conversation is key to crafting robust interfaces that will pave the way for the bright future of your social media application.

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UI / UX design

The ideation process for the UI/UX design will give you a clear picture of how your social media application will interact with users. At this stage, you'll see the foundational structure of your app. Once we finalize this, we’ll proceed to the actual development phase.


The development of your social media application will unfold in individual sprints, with progress shared with you step by step to prevent any last-minute surprises. To proceed to the next stage, we require strong confirmation from you, ensuring a smooth development and delivery process.

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Quality Assurance

Beginning with unit testing, we'll conduct thorough quality assurance for each sprint release to ensure what we deliver is bug-free and without major issues. Our dedicated QA team follows a meticulous process, and all test cases and a final list of fixes will be readily available for your review at any time.

Delivery & Maintenance

Following the closed beta releases, We as a team will manage the entire deployment process, including server configuration and app submission, among other tasks. During the initial delivery phase, we will closely monitor the application's performance to ensure a stable and seamless user experience.

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Discuss Your Project Idea With Us

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You will hear from us within 24 hours!

Let’s Talk

Feel free to share your ideas; we value innovation. An NDA can be signed prior to discussions for your convenience.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it typically take to build an MVP?

As MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product, we understand the importance of a quick delivery to minimize manpower costs and reduce time to market. Depending on your requirements, we can deliver the MVP within three months.

How much does MVP development cost?

Since the development process is streamlined and focused on core functionality, our charges range from $10,000 to $30,000 USD. If you need a quick MVP that can be completed in a week or two, we can accommodate that as well. Reach out to our live support, and we can discuss pricing based on your specific needs.

What kind of support can I expect after the MVP launch?

We understand that launching an MVP requires instant support as you gather valuable feedback quickly from a closed group of users. It’s crucial to incorporate their suggestions promptly to keep your network of potential customers engaged and updated. With this in mind, we offer quick support, ensuring you receive a response within 24 hours of raising an issue.

What is your development process like?

Our process for creating a software-based MVP follows the same steps as other projects. We start by gathering requirements and finalizing the core functions. Then, we design the user flow and proceed with development, testing, and finally, launching the MVP.

What is your policy on intellectual property rights?

We have a standard Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) that can be signed before we start discussing your ideas. If you have your own agreement for property rights, we can also sign it after consulting with our legal team. We are completely flexible to accommodate your needs.

What technology stack do you recommend for my MVP?

Based on the requirements, target audience, industry, and platforms where the MVP will run, we can recommend the right tech stack for you. If you have your own preferences, we can follow those as well.

What happens after the MVP is launched?

Once your MVP is launched, ensure your business analyst works closely with the initial customers to collect the maximum amount of validated feedback as possible and document it properly. After gathering all feedback, we will sit down with you to turn those insights into live functions, integrating them with technical feasibility.

How do we decide what features to add or improve in the next iteration?

This totally depends on your business idea. Since you have a deep understanding of your business concept and have conducted extensive market research, you can decide on the next steps. If something is technically challenging or too costly, we can help you trim it down or come up with alternative plans for each iteration.



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