
Essential Tips For Protecting User Data in Mobile Apps Using Data Encryption

Data Encryption

Join us in exploring the thrilling realm of mobile app security!

Let us talk about something critical: keeping our digital assets secure.

Did you know that hackers consider SaaS applications as their treasure chests?

38% of them are hungry after those treats! And, cloud-based storage isn’t left behind. Again, it is as if they are honey to the cybercrime, with 36% of them being targeted.

Surprisingly, every day there are seven million open data records that cybercriminals can steal.

Isn’t this crazy?

And that’s where data encryption comes in as the hero!

It is comparable to wrapping your digital belongings within an invisibility cloak. It turns them into unreadable walls of code for unauthorized parties.

In this post, you will learn how to secure mobile apps and enhance cloud security through data encryption.

Being a reliable social media app development company, with the tremendous digital security experience we have given data security tips. You’ll be on your way to creating an app that users will be happy to trust with their sensitive data and information.

Let’s get the ball rolling and turn your software into a fortress!

What is Data Encryption?

Data encryption is a security technique that utilizes a method to encode the information in a way that only authorized users with the particular encryption key can access or decipher it.

Encrypted messages, known as cipher or cyphertext, are indecipherable and incomprehensible to any unauthorized entity trying to read them without proper authorization.

For more illustration, here is a case of data encryption.

Imagine a credit card number is an encrypted message. Before sending it over the internet, apply the encryption to it with the encryption key. This process messes up the order of characters in your credit card number so that only those with a decoding key can read the message.

For those who catch this encrypted message, it will be just a random sequence of characters and symbols. They would have no idea that it’s your credit card number.

Finally, when the targeted person gets the encrypted message, they can employ this key to decrypt it and see the actual credit card number. It is like having your secret language of protection that keeps your information secret.

How does Data Encryption Work? How it protects data?

Data encryption starts with transforming plaintext (unencrypted data is called plaintext), into ciphertext which is the encrypted data that seems as merely a random and unintelligible collection of characters. This conversion is reached through crypto algorithms and encryption keys.

Encryption Process

Plaintext: The process commences with plaintext, which could be in digital form, such as text, files, or messages, which need to be encrypted.

Encryption Algorithm: The encryption algorithm uses plaintext data and the secret encryption key. The encryption algorithm undergoes calculations on plaintext to produce ciphertext.

Encryption Key: The encryption key is a unique string of bits that is being used by encryption algorithms to turn plain text into cipher text. Encryption of the data is heavily dependent on the quality of the encryption key.

Ciphertext Generation

Ciphertext: The result of the encryption process is ciphertext, where the plaintext data is encrypted. The scrambled and unreadable character line certainly confuses others who do not have the decryption key.

Decryption Process

Decryption Key: A decryption key is necessary to decrypt the ciphertext and thus recover the original cleartext data. The decryption key is sometimes different from the encryption key but they are mathematically related in symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption, there are key pairs that belong to the encryption keys.

Decryption Algorithm: The decryption algorithm will be applied with the decryption key to the ciphertext. The decryption algorithm, on the contrary, implements a mathematical procedure for the ciphertext to get back the initial plaintext information.

Plaintext Recovery

Recovered Plaintext: This is the result of the decryption process that is the recovered plaintext which is equal to the original plaintext data before encryption. A proper decryption key is the only thing that can help the authorized party to decrypt the ciphertext to read the original message. This is how data encryption is performed.

What are the types of Data Encryption Used in Cloud Storage?

Knowing diverse data encryption methods can be the key to strengthening digital defense against cyber threats. Data encryption is done through two different methods each with its pros and cons.

Symmetric Encryption

Symmetric encryption is a cryptographic technique that utilizes one key for both data encryption and decryption.

The way encryption works is when both sender and receiver have access to the same secret key which they use to both encrypt and decrypt data. This locked key is kept secret and is used as a safeguarding tool.

Symmetric Encryption

How it works?

First, the plaintext, which is the original data, is ciphered and transformed into ciphertext, which is the encrypted form of the data. This happens by applying an encryption algorithm to the plaintext in combination with the secret key.

From this mix, becomes an indecipherable mass of characters incomprehensible to an ordinary reader. When the encrypted message reaches the intended recipient, they use the same secret key to decrypt it and they access the original plaintext.


Speed: These algorithms are also usually more efficient than asymmetric cryptography which makes them appropriate for encrypting large amounts of data.

Efficiency: It has lower computational requirements than asymmetric encryption.

Simplicity: The algorithms of symmetric encryption are often simpler to design and understand.


Key Distribution: The biggest challenge is to physically distribute the secret key to all participants.

Key Management: With more keys and more users on board, key management and secure key storage get progressively harder.

Lack of Authentication: The authentication of the implicant or receiver is not done by symmetric encryption alone.

Common Symmetric Encryption Algorithms

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard): One of the most popular and often considered the most secure symmetric encryption algorithms. It covers 128, 192, or 256-bit keys.

DES (Data Encryption Standard): An old symmetric encryption algorithm that uses a 56-bit key. It is not secure like AES is and is overrun by the latter option.

3DES (Triple Data Encryption Standard): An amplification of DES that takes the DES procedure thrice with the different keys. Although the triple DES is more secure, it is slower and less effective than the AES.

Blowfish: Symmetric ciphers with a variable bit key length (32-448 bits). It is best known for its simplicity and agility.

Asymmetric Encryption

Asymmetric encryption, the other name of public-key encryption, is a cryptographic technique that uses a pair of keys for encrypting and decrypting data. As against symmetric encryption where the same key is used for both encryption and decryption, asymmetric encryption makes use of public and private keys.

Asymmetric Encryption

How it works?

Every user has a set of keys that consist of a public key and a private key. The public key is openly accessible and is shared without restrictions. Such private key is strictly guarded and known only to the owner.

When a sender intends to encrypt some pieces of data and send them to the beneficiary, the sender uses the public-key cryptography of the beneficiary to encrypt the data. The data with an encryption is unreadable to anyone except the intended recipient who holds their unique private key.


Secure Key Exchange: Symmetric encryption maintains the security of communication through the exchange of secret keys across vulnerable channels.

Digital Signatures: It helps in the making of digital signatures as well as the verification of these, hence, ensuring data integrity and authenticity.

Authentication: Because of the one-sided encryption, it is possible to implement the authentication processes making online purchases and conversations much safer.


Computational Complexity: Asymmetric encryption algorithms are often associated with slower processing speeds because they require more computing energy.

Key Management: The management and security of private keys in larger-scale settings remains a big challenge.

Limited Scalability: Asymmetric encryption algorithm may not cope well with processing high volumes of data effectively, due to its considerable computational complexities.

Common Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms

RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman): The RSA algorithm, one of the most popularly used asymmetric encryption algorithms, is based on the hardness of breaking up large prime numbers into their factors.

DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm): DSA has been primarily created for the sake of digital signatures and is frequently used together with other cryptographic algorithms for authentication and data integrity.

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC): ECC can be considered as a viable option that supports strong security, and therefore, it is suitable for environments having restricted resources such as mobile devices and IoT devices.

Focusing on IT asset recovery is essential in ensuring the proper management and disposal of electronic devices used in these security-sensitive environments.

Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange: Diffie-Hellman is a key exchange protocol that enables two parties to agree on a secret key over an insecure communication channel, and it is not an encryption algorithm by itself.

What is a Data Encryption Standard (DES)?

The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a symmetric-key encryption algorithm that was created in the early 1970s by IBM together with the Federal government as a unified standard for the protection of sensitive, but unclassified information.

DES is a block cipher that uses blocks of 64 bits together with a 56-bit key for both encryption and decryption. Despite its long years of usage and historical importance, the progress of computing power made DES obsolete.

The fact that the small key size of 56 bits makes DES vulnerable to ransome attacks in which all possible keys are systematically tried until the right one is found is the main reason for DES insecurity.

Consequently, such DES has mostly been substituted by the advanced encryption algorithms, Triple DES and AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).

What is Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES)?

The Triple Data Encryption Standard is a symmetric-key encryption algorithm that gathers the security level of the Data Encryption Standard (DES) by applying the DES algorithm consecutively three times.

Here is how 3DES works.

Triple Data Encryption Standard

In the Triple Data Encryption Standard, the encryption and decryption procedures are aligned to give the highest levels of data security. Encryption starts with the plaintext being subjected to a chain of cryptographic manipulations.

At first, the plaintext is encrypted by the patent key of 56 bits (K1) resulting in a ciphertext that hides the contents of the original meaning. The cipher text is then decrypted using the second 56-bit key (K2), which is also a reversal of the encryption process and reveals the plain text.

This intermediate plaintext is encrypted once again; but this time, it is done by using the next 56-bit key (K3) for more effective encryption.

During the decryption stage, the operations in the inverse order to those performed in the encryption phase take place on the ciphertext, which is previously encrypted.

The code is first deciphered using the third 56-bit key (K3) which results in an intermediate ciphertext.

This is followed by the intermediate ciphertext going through the encryption phase involving the second 56-bit key (K2) which is a re-encryption of the data. Thus, in the end, the ciphertext is decrypted with the first 56-bit key (K1) and then read as the original plaintext message.

The differentiation of different keys involved in the repeated encryption process makes this process much more resilient. By embedding various encryption and decryption procedures with different keys, 3DES offers better security than DES encryption which performs only one key-based operation.

This advanced encryption mechanism holds the key to the complete security of sensitive data against all types of possible security breaches – from data interception to unauthorized access.

In contrast, the Triple DES is slower and more inefficient than modern encryption algorithms like the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), where the keys can be shortened but the security measures remain high.

Triple DES against Traditional DES – Comparing Data Encryption Algorithms

Enhanced Network Security: With DES encryption three times in a row for different keys applied, the 3DES algorithm increases the effective key length that is resistant to brute-force and side-channel attacks as well as against conventional DES.

Backward Compatibility: 3DES ensures backward compatibility with DES, so DES users can improve their system encryption parameters without changing existing system hardware and software.

Proven Reliability: 3DES is the most widely used encryption algorithm that has been subjected to thorough cryptanalysis and has proved itself worthy not only for industrial use but also in many applications.

Regulatory Compliance: In regulated markets like finance and healthcare which require data security standards that mandate strong encryption to be used, 3DES can allow the organizations to meet the compliance requirement as well as protect the sensitive data that is stored on their computer systems.For solo practices, choosing the best EMR for solo practice can help ensure both security and compliance.

Interim Solution: Although not as efficient and secure as the newer encryption standards, such as the Advanced Encryption Standard or AES, 3DES works as an interim solution for organizations that require more proficient security than DES but originally couldn’t afford to run AES because of their legacy systems or compatibility issues.

Why Data Encryption is Important? Benefits of Data Encryption

You may be wondering why there is so much talk about data encryption. Hey, there are more than a few decent reasons why this is such a very big deal. Let’s have a close look at this issue and find out why data encryption is so necessary.


Encoding implies data confidentiality and transforms it into the ciphertext, which will not be readable without the proper decryption key.

It ensures data security using unauthorized access and prevents unauthorized individuals or parties from perceiving or understanding the content. Maintaining data security through encryption, access control, and audit logging is essential to safeguard sensitive workflow information. Now, this can be achieved using workflow orchestration tools including Airflow alternatives.

Data Security

Encryption not only safeguards data from being read and written by unauthorized parties for modification, tampering, or alteration during transmission or storage.

Encrypting data is a way of assuring that data is not breached, hacked into, or modified illicitly, hence data encryption protects the integrity of information.


A lot of industries and regulatory bodies on their part demand organizations to implement encryption as one of the mandatory data security and privacy regulations.

Adherence to other standards data privacy regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and so on frequently requires the encryption of sensitive data to maintain compliance with regulations.

Protection Against Data Breaches

Encryption plays a major role in boxing off data breaches by encoding sensitive data in a way that it cannot be read by those unknown.

In case of a security breach or unauthorized access to data, encryption ensures that the data is safe and reduces the data exposure effect which will affect individuals and organizations.

Protection of Personal Privacy

Encryption provides safety for individual data like medical records, financial data, and private communication from being intercepted by hackers, cybercriminals, governments, and other malicious actors.

Preservation of Data Integrity

Encryption works both ways as it not only provides protection from unauthorized access but also helps maintain data integrity by detecting and blocking unauthorized changes or alterations.

Encryption of data both at rest and in transit enables organizations to secure stored data and prevent any unauthorized changes that might bring its accuracy into question.

Secure Communication

Encryption promotes the safety and privacy of communication channels, such as email, messaging apps, and e-commerce transactions. Organizations can prevent data interception, eavesdropping, and man-in-the-middle attacks by masking traffic in transit through encryption.

Recommendations for Encryption Best Practices

Having reached the point of analyzing the main techniques and the ideal ways of implementing data encryption in mobile applications, our discussion is to be continued.

Every tip is tailored specifically to enable developers to produce robust and trusty mobile applications for their users using encryption technology and secure communication protocols.

Choose Strong Encryption Algorithms

Encryption algorithms are the main components at the base of data security in mobile applications. It is crucial to choose encryption algorithms that have robust encryption and can provide strong cryptographic protection against all kinds of ransomware attacks.

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), which is one of the most secure and efficient encryption algorithms at hand, is known to date. It does so by supporting key lengths of 128 bits, 192 bits, or 256 bits, thus allowing it to encrypt data of various levels of sensitivity.

Implement End-to-End Encryption

End-to-end encryption ensures that data travels while it is fully encrypted from the source to the destination. In other words, only people who possess appropriate decryption keys can unlock the encrypted data and read the message.

To secure all transmitted data and data at rest, adopt a reliable end-to-end encryption framework across your mobile app.

Secure Key Management

Encryption keys are the cornerstone of the data encryption process. An effective key management policy should be implemented to avoid any kind of unauthorized access to the Encryption keys.

Use hardware-based security modules or trusted key management services for the safe initialization, storage, and distribution of the encryption keys.

Establish key rotation and revocation processes that will add to the level of security and counter the possibility of key compromise.

Use Secure Communication Protocols

Secure communication protocols including HTTPS (HTTP Secure) and TLS (Transport Layer Security) provide both encrypting and authentication of the data sent across the network.

Make sure that the mobile app you are developing communicates with the servers via secure networks to avoid eavesdropping, tampering, and other network-based attacks.

Continuously upgrade and fix the security protocols of your app to eliminate risks and meet the current security standards.

Encryption of Sensitive Data at the Source.

Encrypt sensitive data at the very beginning by storing it on the device or transmitting it through the network. This includes user credentials, personal information, financial data, and any other vital data that is collected and used by the app.

Make use of encryption mechanisms within your app to encrypt data before it is stored in the local databases or transmitted across the network. Securely managing and protecting encryption keys from unauthorized access is a must.

Add in Data Segmentation and Access Controls

Establish data segmentation and access controls to enable user roles and permissions to restrict access to decrypted data.

Establish a fine-grained access control mechanism within your app so that only authorized users can access non-sensitive data. This way, unauthorized access or data breaches can be avoided.

Regularly Update Encryption Mechanisms

Keeping up with the latest encryption standards, algorithms, and security best practices can address security breaches and system vulnerabilities before they occur.

Frequently audit and update the encryption routines in your mobile application to guarantee security against growing risks and regulatory requirements.

Watch security advisories and patches issued by cryptographic algorithm providers as well as security firms to fix any potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses with the use of the encryption solution.

Undertake Security Audits and Testing

Perform security audits and testing regularly so you can detect and repair potential security vulnerabilities in your mobile app’s implementation of encryption.

Conduct penetration testing, code reviews, and vulnerability assessments to evaluate the encryption mechanisms and find out any shortcomings or vulnerabilities.

Adhere to security best practices and guidelines as directed by standards bodies and security organizations to increase the security of the mobile app’s encryption implementation.

Through these manuals, your mobile app security can be fortified preventing unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber-attacks. This may be the missing answer to your question on how to improve mobile app performance.


The use of data encryption is no longer just an option but an absolute necessity in our current digital reality. Through strong encryption techniques, developers can give users the feeling of security and trust, they can store their information in a secure place that is free of prying eyes and harmful threats.

As this guide has covered from choosing the right encryption algorithms to key management techniques, every bit of data encryption exercise is an exercise towards building security and protecting privacy. With discipline and the use of the best ways of encryption, mobile apps can be revolutionary and guarantee a secure digital world of tomorrow for everyone.

Additional Resources

Starting as an iOS developer and moving up to lead a mobile team at a startup, I've expanded my expertise into Project Management, DevOps and eventually becoming a COO & Chief Service Officer in the IT sector. As a CSO, I excel in team leadership, technical advice, and managing complex business functions, focusing on combining technology and operations to drive growth. I'm keen to connect for collaborations or to exchange insights in the tech world!



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